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Caleb's Healing Story: An interactive story with activities to help chil

dren to overcome challenges arising from trauma, attachment issues, adoption or fostering
Kathleen A. Chara Ph.D. has a doctorate in family psychology, teaches full-time for Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, and maintains a private psychological practice. She has run a programme for abused women, worked with children in psychiatric settings, and has been a licensed mental health counsellor, specialising in children's issues, since 1991.
1. Fear/Safety. 2. Trusting. 3. Anger Management. 4. Troubles with Friends. 5. Trouble Following Rules. 6. Troubles with Feelings. 7. Sensory Issues. 8. Telling the Truth. 9. Stealing. 10. Food Issues. 11. Grief and Sadness. 12. Triggers. 13. Sleep Issues/Nightmares.
Caleb's Healing Story is a heart-warming and thought-provoking book. It follows a 'typical day' for Caleb and gently discusses issues such as lying, stealing, anger and stress, in an easy-to-understand way and from a child's perspective. When completed at the appropriate time in a child's journey, this book and associated activities could prove to be extremely helpful.
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