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Woodslane Online Catalogues

Visual Cultures of Childhood

Film and Television from The Magic Lantern To Teen Vloggers
  • ISBN-13: 9781786611031
  • By Karen Wells
  • Price: AUD $324.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/07/2020
  • Format: Hardback 200 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Pre-school & kindergarten [JNLA]
Table of
The visual has become a central theme in the study of childhood both as a research subject and a research method. The last two decades have seen huge interest in how children are represented in visual culture and how they in turn engage with visual cultures - as producers, audiences, and sometimes both. This innovative book gives a historical and geographic perspective on visual cultures of childhood, looking at representation as well as media effects. The main themes of the book are the strong presence of children in visual cultures in the modern period and the uses of this visual record for understanding how childhood is represented and constructed - as gendered, racialised and class-based. It covers social realism, melodrama and activism. Visual cultures of childhood are significant cultural resources that children draw on to understand and learn how to perform social identities. The access that teens now have to making their own visual productions and how the representation of gender, race and class than they produce compare to those produced by adults for children is interesting and very rich ground to conduct research on. It also speaks to current political concerns about, for example, how youth understand citizenship.
1. Visual Political Culture, Childhood And Youth: From Object To Subject To Activist / 2. The Emergence Of A Sentimental Visual Culture / 3. 'And Then The Kids Took It Over': Documentary Film, Racism And The Civil Rights Movement / 4. The Melodrama Of Being A Child: NGO Representations Of Poverty / 5. 'You Need To Be Glad That You Graduated From High School, And That You're Alive At Eighteen': Coming-Of-Age In Black Film / 6. We've Got A Bright Place In The Sun: LGBTQ Coming Out And Teen Melodrama / 7. 'I'd Be Lost Without The Weight Of You Two On My Back' working class teens and the Western / 8. 'On Being the Representation' / 9. 'We the Wounded': Violence and Citizenship / 10. Theorising childhood, visual culture, and technology
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