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Carl Schmitt

State and Society
  • ISBN-13: 9781786611697
  • By William Rasch
  • Price: AUD $283.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 13/09/2019
  • Format: Hardback 207 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: General studies [GTG]
Table of
This important new book places Carl Schmitt's critique of liberal political theory in a broader historical context than is usually done. His belief in the centrality of the European state since the seventeenth century derives from various sources, including medieval (Scholastic) theology and nineteenth century (post-Hegelian) social and political theory. Schmitt's famed 'political theology' aims at justifying the necessity of a strong secular state as the safeguard of a political community against the encroachment of legally protected interest groups that shield themselves behind pre-political rights. William Rasch neither condemns nor champions Schmitt's various attacks on liberalism, but does insist that the tension between 'society' as the realm of individual rights to pursue private pleasures and the 'state' as the placeholder for something traditionally called the common good is a conundrum that is as important now as it was during the Weimar era in Germany. Reappraisal of some of the pillars of liberal dogma are as much in order as are fears of their demise.
Introduction / Part I: Political Theology / Introduction to Part One / 1. Concrete Reason / 2. Modernity and Its Discontents / 3. Sovereignty / Part II: State versus Society / Introduction to Part Two / 4. Theorizing State and Society / 5. Liberalism / 6. Democracy / 7. Ethical State, Total State / Conclusion / Works Cited / Index
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