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Donald Trump's Digital Diplomacy and Its Impact on US Foreign Policy tow

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In Donald Trump’s Digital Diplomacy and Its Impact on US Foreign Policy Towards the Middle East, Ahmed Y. Zohny develops a well-blended mix of history and political science, supplemented by content analysis and critical discourse analysis of Trump’s statements and tweets. Americans are primarily interested in the domestic implications of Trump’s presidency, whereas people around the globe are more interested in his foreign policy’s implications. Both remain puzzled by Trump’s mixed messaging, his tendency to change his mind and make decisions on the impulse of the moment. The findings indicate that, by scuttling U.S. adherence to the Iran Accord, Trump has guaranteed its collapse, and contributed to an already volatile Middle East. Trump recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel brought an international crisis. Under international law and countless decisions by the UN, the final status of Jerusalem should be decided by negotiation, not unilateral action by the United States or Israel. The Abraham Peace Accord with the four normalizing relations agreements which were signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco mark a new and important shift in the Middle East geopolitics, it can be considered as a success for Trump’s foreign policy.

Ahmed Y. Zohny is associate professor of political science at Coppin State University.


Chapter 1. Trump’s Authoritative Personality

Chapter 2. Trump and Presidential Power and Governing Style

Chapter 3. Trump’s Foreign Policy and Diplomacy

Chapter 4. Trump’s Digital Diplomacy

Chapter 5. The Arab Israeli Conflict

Chapter 6. United States, Israel, and Iran

Chapter 7. The Impact of Trump’s Performance in Foreign Policy & Diplomacy on the Middle East


“A fascinating, warts-and-all look at the Middle East policies of Donald Trump. The book is a valuable study for readers interested in diplomacy in the age of Twitter, American policy toward the Middle East, and the impact of the Trump presidency on American politics and democracy.”
— Erik Dahl, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA

"Foreign policy analysis is often a historical and a theoretical, which diminishes its value. Professor Ahmed Zohny’s book is not of that type. His knowledge of history and theory informs every page of the book, deepening our understanding of President Trump’s Middle Eastern diplomacy and its impact."
— Thomas E. Patterson, professor of Government &the Press, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

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