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Low Taxes and Small Government

Sam Brownback's Great Experiment in Kansas
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Sam Brownback was the first modern-day conservative to be elected governor of Kansas, the culmination of a rightward shift in the state's often-dominant Republican Party. This book is a detailed case study of the policies implemented over his two terms as governor, paying particular attention to the impact on state government and services, the economy, public education, and the business environment. The authors provide extensive background, historical evidence, and detailed references. The book's real-world relevance is grounded in a discussion of similar policies in other states as well as the US federal government.
1. Sam Brownback's Great Experiment 2. From God's Senator to Glide Path 3. Laying the Foundation for the "Great Experiment" 4. Supply-Side Economics in U.S. Politics 5. Implementing the Experiment 6. 2014 Election Becomes A Referendum on the Experiment 7. Brownback's Second Term: End of the Experiment 8. Impact of the "Great Experiment": Summary and Analysis 9. Assessment of the "Great Experiment" 10. Afterword
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