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World Politics, Human Rights, and International Law

  • ISBN-13: 9781793633392
  • By Francis A. Boyle
  • Price: AUD $251.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 16/04/2021
  • Format: Hardback (229.00mm X 152.00mm) 300 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: International law [LB]
Table of
World Politics, Human Rights, and International Law examines the functional dynamics between these concepts based upon the author's professional experiences dealing with real world situations, problems, and crises: from the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations; Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Israel, and Syria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; successfully litigating genocide at the World Court; indicting Slobodan Milosevic at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; prosecuting American torture and enforced disappearances at the International Criminal Court; opposing nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons; citizen civil resistance against state crimes; protecting Indigenous Peoples, etc. The reader can see how the author defined these predicaments from the perspective of international law and human rights, and then proceeded to grapple with them and to rectify them. This book demonstrates the power of international law and human rights to make a positive difference for international peace and justice as well as for the good of humanity in the real world of international power politics. By reading this book the citizen will be empowered and inspired to do the same.
Francis A. Boyle is professor of law at the University of Illinois College of Law.
Chapter 1. Denouncing Obama at the University of Illinois Chapter 2. Civil Resistance Against the Trump Administration! Chapter 3. Resisting Trump's ICEstapo! Chapter 4. Resisting Trump's Lawyer at the University of Illinois College of Law Chapter 5. Resisting Trump's Consigliere Dershowitz at the University of Illinois Chapter 6. Resisting Trump's CIA Director Bloody Gina Haspel Chapter 7. Trump Targets Iran! Chapter 8. Hillary Clinton Is a Psychopath and a War Criminal Chapter 9. International Criminal Court: The White Man's Court Chapter 10. Trump's Lethal Decision on Jerusalem Chapter 11. Stopping Zionist Genocide Against the Palestinians: The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Campaign Chapter 12. The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence Today Chapter 13. U.S. Biowarfare Programs Have 13,000 Death Scientists Hard at Work Chapter 14. The Mass Rape of the Bosnian Women Was Genocide! Chapter 15. What is the Future for Bosnia and Herzegovina? Chapter 16. Interview with Francis Boyle on Bosnian "Peace" [sic!] Negotiations Chapter 17. Stopping Genocide by the Government of Sri Lanka Against the Tamils Chapter 18. The Native Hawaiian Independence Movement Chapter 19. Amnesty International Is a White Racist Western Colonial Imperialist Tool Conclusion. Implications of the Worldwide Covid 19 Pandemic for World Politics, Human Rights, and International Law Appendix. Around the World with the Institute for Public Accuracy
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