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Tilling Sacred Grounds

Interiority, Black Women, and Religious Experience
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Tilling Sacred Grounds examines Black women's interiority and negotiation of race, gender, and sexuality in religious spaces and religious practices. Phillis Isabella Sheppard argues for the importance of the exchange between interiority and public spaces, and examines religion in cyberspace, art, ritual, and street ministry. She refigures the location of religious experience by retrieving Black women's interiority as religious space. Often excluded from Black religious studies, interiority is necessary for understanding Black women's complex and even unconscious relationship with religion. The book weaves a thread by stressing that interiority has subjective, intersubjective, conscious, unconscious, and relational dimensions formed in historical, and social contexts.
Phillis Isabella Sheppard is the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Associate Professor of Religion, Psychology, and Culture at Vanderbilt University Divinity School and Graduate Department of Religion and the director of the James Lawson Institute for the Research and Study of Nonviolent Movements.
Introduction: Interiority and Public Religion Chapter 1: Audre Lorde: "from the Gut of Blackness" A Black Lesbian Spirituality Chapter 2: Visions of Self and Transformation in Black Outsider Art Chapter 3: Black Women Living Religion in Cyberspace Chapter 4: "Because I am a Woman" Vocation and Trauma in Alecia Brown Life Chapter 5: Tilling Sacred Ground: Meditation on Ritual and Resistance
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