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Woodslane Online Catalogues

Bride of Ice

Selected Poems
  • ISBN-13: 9781800172272
  • Publisher: CARCANET PRESS
  • By Marina Tsvetaeva
  • Price: AUD $37.99
  • Stock: 25 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 28/04/2023
  • Format: Paperback (216.00mm X 135.00mm) 186 pages Weight: 240g
  • Categories: Poetry by individual poets [DCF]

Marina Tsvetaeva is among the great European poets of the twentieth century. With Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak and Osip Mandelstam, she retained her humanity and integrity through Russias terrible years of the Great Terror. Even in her long, tragic exile, her roots were in Russia and the great tradition of Russian poetry. Her voice lives in part because it remains alert to her past, and to cultures, especially French, where she spent her exile. When Elaine Feinstein first read Tsvetaevas poems in the 1960s, they transformed her. Their intensity and honesty spoke to her directly. To her first translations, published to acclaim in 1971, she added in later years, not least the sequence Girlfriend, dedicated to her lover Sofia Parnok. Feinstein published Tsvetaevas biography in 1987.

Marina Tsvetaeva was born in Moscow in 1891 and had established her reputation as a poet by the age of eighteen. She had a troubled life, in exile for many years: the only continuity was poetry and her loyalty to individual poets. Returning to Russia in 1939, her family was quickly torn apart by Stalin’s purges: they were suspected of working against the Soviet government. When war came she was evacuated to Yelabuga, where she hanged herself in 1941.

* Elaine Feinstein’s ground-breaking translations of one of the most celebrated Russian poets of the twentieth century, reissued as a Carcanet Classic. * Includes five major poem sequences, one of which is a group of short lyrics Tsvetaeva wrote for her lover Sofia Parnok in 1915 titled ‘Girlfriend’. * Tsvetaeva belonged to a group of four great writers – with Anna Akhmatova, Osip Mandelshtam and Boris Pasternak – who retained their humanity and integrity through Russia’s ‘terrible years’. * Also includes a full introduction, notes and bibliography of works in English.

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