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Emotional Support Horse

  • ISBN-13: 9781800174474
  • Publisher: CARCANET PRESS
  • By Claudine Toutoungi
  • Price: AUD $28.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: Book will be despatched upon release.
  • Local release date: 31/01/2025
  • Format: Paperback (216.00mm X 135.00mm) 96 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Poetry by individual poets [DCF]

 This tragi-comic, or comi-tragic grief journal blends loss and low vision into poems that issue in startling joy. Emotional Support Horse tracks the course of a lived bereavement intensified by sight loss and eco-stress. But wit is not only an element of style, it is a state of imagination, and it leads out of dark depth into the region of joy. A woman longs to metamorphose into Nicola Walker in a cop car, or a Hungarian Viszla or just to find an equal footing with her doctor. Personal and planetary fractures blur in the vivid, dreamlike pages that turn and speak to anyone who has stood at that crossroads of confusion and rupture. In part soulful, in part self-help, the poems veer between droll and despairing, their swings from high to low and back again reflecting the self adrift on a choppy sea. A self, however, never alone but accompanied throughout by a host of other species. From earthworms to wolfhounds, flamingos to Konic ponies, the world of Emotional Support Horse glints with light and life, plumbing sorrows depths even as it stumbles upon solace.

Claudine Toutoungi is a poet and playwright. She was born in Warwickshire, studied English and French at Trinity College, Oxford and has worked as an actor, a BBC radio drama producer, English teacher, and Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellow for Newnham and Selwyn College, Cambridge. Carcanet published her debut collection Smoothie in 2017, followed by Two Tongues (2020). Her poetry has been translated into Spanish and her live poetry contributions to festivals include Tongue Fu, Poetry East and appearances on BBC Radio 4. Her plays for theatre include Bit Part and Slipping (Stephen Joseph Theatre) and her many audio dramas for BBC Radio 4 include Deliverers, The Inheritors and The Voice in my Ear. She lives in Cambridge.

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