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Looking for Oliver

A Mother's Search for the Son She Gave Up for Adoption
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While clearing through her dead mother's bedroom, Emma happens upon the thirty-year-old newspaper clipping announcing the birth of the baby she gave up for adoption. Now a wife and mother of two teenage children, Emma is transfixed by this reminder and link to her first-born. Vividly recalling the stigma of her schoolgirl pregnancy and the pain of adoption, the story follows Emma's search for and reunion with Oliver and the consequences this has for her family life. This absorbing novel, while dealing with the grief and guilt of adoption, provides hope to all those affected by the adoption process.
Part 1: Family Life - The Present, Chapters 1-2. Part 2: Giving up Oliver - 1966, Chapters 3-12. Part 3: Facing the Truth and the Adoption Triangle - The Present, Chapters 13-28. Part 4: A Reunion and a Family Party, Chapters 29-30.
'This novel could be usefully recommended to adopted adults and birth relatives of historical adoptions who are seeking a reunion or post-reunion, as well as to social work students and social workers new to post-adoption work with adults affected by adoption.' -Adoption & Fostering Journal
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