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9781843103301 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

A Child's Journey to Recovery

Assessment and Planning with Traumatized Children
  • ISBN-13: 9781843103301
  • By Patrick Tomlinson, By Terry Philpot, Foreword by Mary Walsh
  • Price: AUD $40.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 13/02/2008
  • Format: Paperback (233.00mm X 158.00mm) 160 pages Weight: 257g
  • Categories: Child welfare [JKSB1]
Table of
This book shows how carefully planned and assessed treatment can help traumatized children. It outlines how to set up a process for measuring a child's progress towards recovery. Uniquely, the book describes a practical outcomes-based approach that can be provided by an integrated multi-disciplinary team.Particular themes addressed include the conflict between the child's chronological and emotional ages, the need to work at the child's pace, the importance of the whole-team approach, and the challenges involved in measuring progress. The authors describe clearly defined outcomes for recovery, how children are assessed and how recovery plans are made, and show how progress can be closely monitored and responded to through the continuing process of assessment. Numerous case studies illuminate how this works in practice.This book forms part of an integrated approach and is an ideal accompaniment to existing titles in the SACCS 'Delivering Recovery' series.
Foreword, Mary Walsh, Co-founder and Chief Executive of SACCS. Introduction. 1. Assessment: What it is and how it has Developed. 2. Plans and Outcomes. 3. Understanding the Whole Child. 4. Bringing it All Together. 5. Assessment, Needs and Outcomes. 6. To and Fro: The Dynamic Process. 7. A Time to Listen: Putting the Child at the Centre. Appendix: Grace: A Child, an Assessment and a Plan. Notes. References. The Story of SACCS. The Authors. Index.
This is a short and clearly written book which firmly follows child-centred and evidence based practice to outline an integrated approach to the assessment and therapy of very disturbed children. It draws on current social work thinking but also includes insights from residential and educational settings. The methods developed by SACCS could be extended to a wide range of family disturbances that have less serious but nevertheless debilitating effects on a child's emotions and development. Most Cafcass practitioners will find new, useful and interesting ideas in this book, and should be able to apply them in their work, particularly with older children, in both public and private law.
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