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Dying, Bereavement and the Healing Arts

Gillie Bolton has worked in reflective and therapeutic writing for personal and professional development for twenty-five years, and has written and edited five books, one of which is now in its third edition. A grandmother of three, she lives in Bloomsbury, London, and Hope Valley, Derbyshire.
Foreword, Baroness Professor Ilora Finlay of Llandaff.Preface Poem: Nest, Penelope Shuttle 1: Introduction: Dying,Bereavement and the Healing Arts, Gillie Bolton. 2: A Death Photographed: Michael Willson's Story, Paul Schatzberger and Gillie Bolton 3: Arts, Electronic Media, Movement: Rosetta Life, Filipa Pereira-Stubbs and Chris Rawlence. 4: Theatre for Professional Development, Ashley Barnes 5: Visual Art for Professional Development, Sandra Bertman 6: Healing Arts in Palliative Care, Christina Mason. 7: Imagination and Health in Cancer Care and Palliative Care, John Graham-Pole 8: Visual Art in Cancer Care and Palliative Care, Anna Lidzey, Michele Angelo Petrone, Julie Sanders and Gillie Bolton 9: Making Music in Children's Hospices, Lesley Schatzberger 10: Healing Writing in Palliative Care, Sheelagh Gallagher, Kate D'Lima, Kaichiro Tamba, Hilary Elfick, with David Head and Gillie Bolton 11: Creating The Tuesday Group: A Palliative Care Play, Bobbie Farsides and Sue Eckstein 12: The Power of Music, Diana Greenman, Frans Meulenberg and Mike White 13: Writing through Bereavement: River Wolton, Haifa Al Sanousi, Amy Kuebelbeck, Judy Clinton and Robert Hamberger 14: A Legacy of Understanding, Monica Suswin 15: Reading to Help Practitioners and Patients, Ted Bowman and Rogan Wolf 16: Artists: Survivors, Tim Jeeves, Mitzi Blennerhassett and Michele Angelo Petrone, Artist 17: Professionals: Artists, Steve Seagull, Tim Metcalf, Oliver Samuel, Kieran Walsh and Christopher Johns 18: Spiritual and Artistic Care: Memorial Services, Mark Cobb and Giles Legood 19: The Art of Care, Yvonne Yi-Wood Mak , Ann Williams, Corine Koppenol and Sinead Donnelly 20: Reflections Towards the Future, Nigel Hartey. List of Contributors. References. Subject Index. Author Index.
This is a thought provoking book which invites the reader to consider how art can be healing for the patient, the bereaved and the healthcare professional... The common thread throughout the chapters is how being creative often speaks new leases of life in both patient and those surround her. At the end of the day the book shows how the creative arts have hidden health benefits for patients, the bereaved and healthcare professionals whether that comes from looking at Van Gogh, listening to Bach, writing a poem or moulding some clay.
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