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9781843106432 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Therapy To Go: Gourmet Fast Food Handouts for Working with Child, Adoles

cent and Family Clients
  • ISBN-13: 9781843106432
  • By Clare Rosoman
  • Price: AUD $74.99
  • Stock: 4 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 14/10/2008
  • Format: Paperback (279.00mm X 216.00mm) 256 pages Weight: 671g
  • Categories: Clinical psychology [MMJ]
Clare Rosoman is a clinical psychologist currently managing a large not-for-profit psychology clinic in Queensland, Australia. She is also a consultant at Griffith University as a supervisor of post-graduate clinical psychology students in their work with clients. Dr Rosoman has previously worked in a variety of settings including psychiatric hospitals, private practice, schools and universities, and has published several papers in the area of children's social functioning and antisocial behaviour.
Appetisers.; 0.1 How to Use this Book.; 0.2 Why Worksheets?; 0.3 Clinical Issues.; 0.4 About the Author.; 0.5 Acknowledgements. Starters.; Section 1: Getting Started.; 1.1 Rapport Building.; 1.2 Boundaries and Goals for Therapy.; 1.3 Unfolding the Story.; Section 2: Therapy Basics.; 2.1 Exploring and Expressing Feelings.; 2.2 Monitoring.; 2.3 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.; 2.4 Emotional Regulation.; 2.5 Goal Setting.; 2.6 Problem solving. Main Course.; Section 3: Anxiety Issues.; 3.1 Psychoeducation and Increasing Awareness.; 3.2 Anxiety Reduction Strategies.; 3.3 Cognitive and Behavioural Strategies for Anxiety.; Section 4: Depressive Issues.; 4.1 Psychoeducation.; 4.2 Behavioural Strategies for Depression.; 4.3 Cognitive Strategies for Depression.; Section 5: Anger Issues.; 5.1 Psychoeducation.; 5.2 Motivation for Managing Anger.; 5.3 Anger Management Strategies.; Section 6: Communication Skills.; 6.1 Friendships.; 6.2 Assertiveness.; 6.3 Safety and Empowerment. Dessert.; Section 7: Family Issues.; 7.1 Family Story.; 7.2 Connectedness.; 7.3 Parenting.; 7.4 Family Problem Solving.; Section 8: Resilience.; 8.1 Building Self-Esteem.; 8.2 Body Image.; 8.3 Staying On Track.; Index.
The book provides creative ways to explore a wide-range of general therapeutic issues and specific problems... The best feature of this book is that it contains such a vast range of photocopiable resources in a single place. The topics covered are so wide-ranging that it would take a busy therapist a considerable time to develop a similar set of resources of their own.
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