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9781843107354 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Development of Autism

  • ISBN-13: 9781843107354
  • By Thomas L. Whitman
  • Price: AUD $44.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 15/03/2004
  • Format: Paperback (232.00mm X 156.00mm) 320 pages Weight: 480g
  • Categories: Autism & Asperger's Syndrome [MJNA]
Table of
Tom Whitman proposes a new developmental theory of autism that focuses on the diversity of characteristics associated with this disorder, and how these develop over time. This theory is reconciled and integrated with contemporary theories of autism, including the social, cognitive, linguistic, sensorimotor and biological perspectives. The broader societal context in which autism emerges is also explored along with its impact on the family. Whitman draws from extensive clinical experience to examine common education and biomedical interventions and presents recommendations both for practical approaches to the everyday challenges of autism, and for future research. This comprehensive book is essential reading for parents, students, therapists, researchers and policymakers eager to improve or update their understanding of autism.
1. History, Definition and Assessment. 2. Autism and its Characteristics. 3. Theories of Autism, with Kathleen J. Kolberg. 4. Toward a Developmental Theory of Autism. 5. Educational and Biomedical Interventions, with Kathleen J. Kolberg. 6. Family Stress and Coping, with Julie Lounds. 7. Recommendations to Parents, Therapists/Educators, Researchers and Social Policy Makers.
Professor Whitman, a professor of psychology at an American university, presents a systematic, up to date, overview of current knowledge about autism. I found the writing easy to read, helped by a clear layout and regular subheadings to subdivide the text. I found the book stimulating and educational and I think the combination of well-referenced recent research and an accessible format makes this an excellent place to start for the interested, educated, lay reader, and provides a useful refresher for mental health workers.
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