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Read Again Without Glasses (with DVD)

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Leo Angart is a business consultant, author and trainer. Having worn glasses for more than 25 years he writes from personal experience. It has now been more than 19 years since he threw away his glasses. In this follow up to Improve Your Eyesight Naturally, Leo concentrates on curing presbyopia, the inability to focus on near objects. He explains what presbyopia is and how you can tone your eye muscles, release tension and build up energy in order to regain your natural eyesight. Vision Training is based on the presupposition that clear vision is a natural state and you can achieve natural clear vision via simple exercises. There are three main principles involved in Vision Training:
  • Belief and emotions - believing that it is possible for you to have control over your eyes and restore your vision to normal
  • Physical training of the eye muscles - when you wear glasses your eyes will automatically adjust to the lenses you wear
  • Relaxation - natural clear eyesight is effortless. Many of our vision problems are due to functional factors such as constant focus on near work. To regain natural clear vision you need to learn to relax your eyes.Exercise or relaxation alone will have an effect, but the real progress comes when all three of the above principles are used together.The book includes simple vision tests that you can use yourself to verify your level of vision and monitor your improvements. The DVD that accompanies the book includes instructions and demonstrations.
  • Contents: Thank you 1. Introduction 2. A Vision Training pioneer - William H. Bates, M.D. 3. The road to the discovery of a cure for presbyopia 4. Presbyopia - what is it? 5. What reading glasses do to your eyes 6. Computer work and reading glasses 7. Bi-focal glasses 8. Get your eyes tested 9. Visiting the optometrist 10. Understanding your prescription 11. Can exercises help you to see? 12. Relax and see 13. Vision Training and presbyopia 14. What kind of presbyopia do I have? 15. Measure your amplitude of accommodation 16. Reading small print exercise 17. Using reading glasses as a tool 18. If you can't see anything without glasses 19. Lazy reading exercise 20. When there is a large difference between each eye 21. How to check your near point for reading 22. Eye coordination and reading 23. Knot exercise 24. Convergence and reading 25. Circle exercise 26. Combining convergence and visual acuity 27. What is the best light for reading? 28. What is color temperature? 29. Chinese acupressure for the eyes 30. Relieving tired eyes 31. What about dry eye? 32. In conclusion Glossary Bibliography About the author
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