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Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Guide

for Parents and Caregivers
Table of
Massage techniques are widely and effectively used in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) to address sensory issues, motor problems and touch receptivity. However, the variety of different styles of massage available often leaves parents baffled and unsure about which touch therapy treatment is best for their child.This practical guide explains how massage works, how the body senses touch, and how touch therapy can benefit children with ASDs. It describes exactly what each type of massage entails. Covering anatomy-oriented massages, energy-based massages and therapeutic bodywork, this is the book that helps readers tell Reiki from reflexology, a Swedish from a sports massage, or tuina from a Thai massage. With recommendations for selecting the right style of massage, advice on locating a practitioner, and tips on preparing a child with an ASD for massage, this is the perfect resource to find a therapy – or combination of therapies – to suit each individual child.This book will be essential reading for all parents and caregivers interested in the benefits of therapeutic massage and bodywork for children and adolescents with ASDs, and practitioners looking at alternatives for therapeutic intervention.
Acknowledgements. Preface.; 1. Introduction. How to Use This Book.; 2. Massage and Body Work. Defining Massage. Benefits of Massage. Sensory Processing and Massage.; 3. Senses and the Nervous System. Nerves and Actions. Sense. The Special Senses. The Sense of Touch.; 4. Sensations and Awareness. Tactile Sensation. Thermoreceptors and Temperature. Mechanoreceptors and Pressure. Nociceptors and Pain. Proprioception. Adaptation.; 5. Touch and Communication. Communication, Sensation, and Movement. Sensory Understanding.; 6. How Massage and Touch Work.; 7. Anatomy-Oriented Massage. Swedish Massage. Sports Massage. Deep Tissue Massage. Orthopedic Massage. Neuromuscular Massage. Myofascial Release. Medical Massage. Craniosacral Therapy. Structural Integration.; 8. Energy-Based Bodywork. Reflexology. Polarity Therapy. Traditional Energy-Based Massage. Tuina. Shiatsu. Qi Gong Massage. Thai Massage. Acupressure-Based Bodywork. Jin Shin Jyutsu. Jin Shin Do. AMMA Therapy. Non-Contact Energy Therapies. Therapeutic Touch. Healing Touch. Reiki.; 9. Other Styles of Touch-Based Therapeutic Bodywork. Watsu. Feldrenkrais. Hellerwork. Trager Approach. Alexander Technique.; 10. Choosing a Style of Massage. Finding a Practitioner. Laws Regulating Massage. Health Insurance Reimbursement. Contraindications and Precautions.; 11. Massage for Children: Special Considerations. Preparing the Child for Massage. Information and Consent. Introducing the Child to Massage. Growth and Development. Learning Massage for Parents/Caregivers. Coordinating Massage with the Therapy Team. Tables and Figures. References. Further Reading. Index.
Highlighting varied approaches to the science of touch, massage therapist, educator, and author Virginia Cowen provides resources for parents committed to enhancing the health of their children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)... this recommended guide outlines touch-based massage and non-touch energy work, serving both the ASD community and others with an interest in alternative health options.
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