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Daoist Nei Gong: The Philosophical Art of Change

Damo Mitchell has studied the martial, medical and spiritual arts of Asia since the age of four. His studies have taken him across the planet in search of authentic masters. He is the technical director of the Lotus Nei Gong School of Daoist Arts, and teaches Nei Gong in the UK, Sweden and the USA.
Acknowledgements. Notes on Romanization of Pinyin. Disclaimer. Foreword by Author. 1. Introduction to Nei Gong. 2. The Three Bodies of Man. 3. Sung Breathing. 4. The Ji Ben Qi Gong. 5. Nei Gong Preparation. 6. Lower Dan Tien Work. 7. Going Deeper into Nei Gong. 8. Advanced Nei Gong Practice. Conclusion. Appendix I. Glossary of Terms. Recommended Reading. About the Author. Index.
This is one of the best if not the best book on Daoist internal arts that I've ever read... Many books give practices but you don't understand the principles and reasons for doing them. This book is written so that you can understand the principles behind the practices. It is soundly based on the simple teachings of Lao Tze... I would recommend anyone interested in qigong and nei gong to get this book.
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