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Aromatherapeutic Blending: Essential Oils in Synergy

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Synergistic blending is at the very core of aromatherapy practice. This book explores the concept of synergy and the evidence for its presence and significance, and provides practical guidance on how to build aroma therapeutic blends effectively and safely based on research evidence. The author covers new and exciting developments in research into the use of essential oils, explores the merits and limitations of holistic, psychosensory and molecular approaches to blending and suggests effective ways of choosing the most suitable approach for individual clients. Evidence-based profiles of essential oils and absolutes are included and the comprehensive tables summarising their actions enable practitioners to identify easily potential contenders for synergistic blends.Throughout the book, the author encourages students and practitioners of all levels to reflect on their practice, appraising the intended outcomes of their blends and treatment plans, so that they can emerge more knowledgeable and insightful practitioners.
Preface. Acknowledgements. Introduction. Part I. Principles and Practice. 1. Essential oil synergy. 2. The individual prescription. 3. A spectrum of approaches: science-based, psychosensory and vitalistic paradigms. 4. Aromatherapeutic blending. 5. Applications, carrier media, dosage and ratios. 6. Acne vulgaris: a case study. Part II. Essential oils: Actions and Evidence. 7. Pain and Inflammation: analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions. 8. Smooth Functioning: antispasmodic, vasorelaxant, antihyperlipidemic and anticonvulsant actions. 9. Health Maintenance and Enhancement: antioxidant and anti-cancer actions. 10. Infection and Immunity: antimicrobial and immunomodulant actions. 11. Respiratory Support: expectorant, mucolytic, decongestant and antitussive actions. 12. The Skin and Soft Tissues: wound-healing, anti-allergic and antipruritic actions. 13. The Psyche: anxiolytic, antidepressant and cognition-enhancing actions. Part III. Aromatics. 14. Essential oils and Absolutes: evidence-based practice. 15. Expanded Practice Aromatics: abbreviated profiles for synergistic blending. Afterword. Appendix. Fixed and Macerated Oils in Aromatherapy. Glossary. References. Recommended Texts and Further Reading. Resources.
[This book] gives the reader a tool, or method, on how to bring these aromas, or essential oils, together in a synergistic blend to address the physical and emotional issues we may experience during life (...) this book gives you some techniques for perfecting aromatherapy blends for such conditions as acne, pain, inflammation, infections, wounds, allergies, anxiety, and depression.
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