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Can I tell you about Stuttering? A Guide for Friends, Family and Profess

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Same content as 9781849054157 Can I Tell You About Stammering?: A Guide for Friends, Family and Professionals (for markets outside the UK)Meet Harry – a young boy who stutters. Harry invites readers to learn about what it is like to stutter from his perspective and how it affects his daily life and makes him feel. He talks about techniques that can help reduce stuttering and describes how friends, family and others can help him to feel at ease and reduce his stutter further.This illustrated book is full of useful information and will be an ideal introduction for young people, aged 7 upwards, as well as parents, friends, teachers and speech therapists working with children who stutter. It is also an excellent starting point for group discussions at home or school.
Acknowledgements. Introduction. 1. Introducing Harry who has a stutter. 2. Speaking in school. 3. Good days and bad days. 4. Feeling frustrated and lonely. 5. Learning to overcome a stutter. 6. Overt and covert stuttering. 7. How to help. Recommended reading, websites and organisations.
This honest, matter-of-fact, and informative book, shared from an individual child's perspective, beautifully captures daily experiences of stuttering and educates parents, professionals, children, and others about the disorder. In addition, it assists speech-language pathologists in facilitating open communication about stuttering with their clients.
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