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Parenting OCD: Down to Earth Advice From One Parent to Another

  • ISBN-13: 9781849054782
  • By Claire Sanders
  • Price: AUD $37.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/01/2015
  • Format: Paperback (216.00mm X 166.00mm) 208 pages Weight: 266g
  • Categories: Coping with disability [VFJD]
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When your child has OCD your world can turn upside down and inside out. Claire Sanders has been managing her son's severe OCD for more than 8 years and, although there are no quick fixes, she has learnt a few tips along the way. These cover what is involved in getting a diagnosis, what to expect in therapy, how to cope with panic attacks, how it might affect the rest of your family and how you might feel as a parent. She talks with honesty and humour about these and many other aspects of her son's illness providing practical advice and insight from one parent to another.This is a must-read for any parent or carer who has a child with OCD. It is the equivalent of a comforting chat with a friend who has been through it all before and can reassure you that you are not alone.
Acknowledgements. About the Book. Introduction. 1. OCD Warning Signs and Getting a Diagnosis. 2. Therapy - Different Types, What Happens in Therapy and Beyond. 3. Medication. 4. When Initial Treatments Don't Help. 5. School - Educating the Educators. 6. The Changing Nature of OCD. 7. Tears, Tantrums and Other Outbursts. 8. The Rest of the Family. 9. Things I've Learned to Help Me Cope. 10. Common and Not so Common Obsessions. 11. Related Conditions - Other Nasties in OCD's Gang.
Not just parents will benefit from the advice set out in 'Parenting OCD'. If you are a teacher, health care professional or just an interested spectator, then you too will gain invaluable knowledge of this brutal condition from a first-hand perspective...
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