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What to Feed an Asperger: How to go from 3 foods to 300 with love, patie

nce and a little sleight of hand
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Packed full of tips and tricks to improve the diet of super sensitive Asperger kids, this book is a must read for parents who want to help their children overcome food avoidance and sensory sensitivities.Sarah Patten shows other parents that they are far from alone in their struggle to get their children to eat a varied and well-balanced diet. She describes how, through a combination of love, patience and a little sleight of hand, she managed to get her son to go from eating just three bland white foods to eating a colourful and nutritious diet including fruit and vegetables. Providing recipes for many simple, healthy meals given the Asperger seal of approval, as well as advice for making mealtime routines, eating together as a family and eating out as stress-free as possible, the book provides a wealth of ideas and strategies for moving towards a more varied and nutritious diet. It also includes food diaries and charts to make planning meals and tracking progress simple.
Foreword. Preface. Introduction: What's the Problem? 1. Knowing Me, Knowing You. 2. No Battle Breakfast. 3. Skipping Lunch is for Sissies Part 1 (school). 4. Skipping Lunch is for Sissies Part 2 (home). 5. Snacks and Drinks. 6. Dinners that Work for Everyone Part 1 (pick and mix)). 7. Dinners that Work for Everyone Part 2 (favourite separate texture meals). 8. Eating Out - A Survival Guide. 9. What Else Matters? Appendix I: Food and Mood Diary.
This easy-to-read, engaging book provides recipes for many simple, healthy meals. There's an advice on how to make mealtime routines and eating as a family as stress-free as possible. A useful good diary and charts are also included to help plan meals and track progress.
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