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9781853027307 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Sexuality and Women with Learning Disabilities

  • ISBN-13: 9781853027307
  • By Michelle McCarthy
  • Price: AUD $67.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/07/1999
  • Format: Paperback (233.00mm X 155.00mm) 288 pages Weight: 452g
  • Categories: Disability: social aspects [JFFG]
Table of
In this study of women with mild and moderate learning disabilities, Michelle McCarthy investigates how these women experience their sexual lives. She discusses her findings in relation to the cultural forces which shape Western perceptions of sexuality, in relation to feminism, and in relation to theories and prejudices about learning disabilities. She also studies the impact of institutional and community settings on the sexuality of women. Her findings, which are based on interviews with women with learning disabilities, suggest that they commonly find themselves engaging i sexual activity which is not to their liking and not their choosing. A very high level of abuse was reported. The author makes recommendations for policy and practice which will protect this vulnerable group, and advises on education, support and seeking justice for abused women.
Contexts - perspectives on sexuality and violence; contexts - learning disability, ideologies and sexuality; asking the right questions - research methodology; the sexual lives of women with learning disabilities - research findings; what does it all mean?; analysis and discussion; the way forward - policy and practice recommendations. Appendix: interview questions.
By tackling issues that have received little meaningful attention, McCarthy both makes a valuable contribution to the literature and provides a useful practical guide to those wishing to support their clients more effectively.
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