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Can't Eat, Won't Eat: Dietary Difficulties and Autistic Spectrum Disorde

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Finding out that your child has Asperger Syndrome can be devastating enough, but when you discover that he or she won't eat 99.9 per cent of all food and drink in the known universe, the fun really starts. This was the situation the author found herself in a decade ago when her son first took a dislike to milk, and then to virtually every other substance she attempted to feed him. Her book was written to reassure other parents that there are lots of people out there in the same boat, and to suggest practical methods of dealing with the problem. As well as drawing on her own experience, the author has spoken to parents, children, and professionals with first-hand knowledge of dietary difficulties, and their advice and comments form a key part of the book.
Beyond faddiness; improvements and setbacks; I blame the parents; throw out the rule book; survey results; hints and tips; more hints and tips; what we think of food; social difficulties; exclusion diets; doctors and dentists; professional advice; Great Ormond Street; back to school; all food is good for you; epilogue.
This book is written with the necessary humour of a parent faced with her child's unabated aversion to the vast majority of foods... Readable, jargon free and pragmatic... This book offers supportive information and suggestions to families. It is also a source of invaluable insight for professional stakeholders.
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