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Creative Place-Based Environmental Education

Children and Schools as Ecopreneurs for Change
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How can schools become creative hubs for enriching the community, for caring for nature, the landscape and place? This book presents the why, what and how of creative place-based education as action researched successfully by educators for over 20 years in Aurland, Sognafjord Norway, and with the Life Science University nationally. This hands on approach embraces the whole locality as an inspiring educational resource. Design tools for developing place based educational curricula are made globally relevant, with case studies from the UK and Tanzania.
Anchoring school curricula in the locality. The Aurland model of Place based learning. Place and Learning. Designing Local Curricula: from home, garden, farm, cultural landscape, fjord, river, mountains to the wider world. Identity and sustainability; local anchoring of a core curriculum-seeking meaning, creativity, working, knowledge, co-operation, environmental awareness, integrity. Ecopreneurship in schools and the region. The resources of place. Project examples from Norway, Ruskin Mill, Britain and Tanzania. Learning, change and creativity between school and community.

GÇ£This book is an essential practical guide to anyone wishing to free education from its meaningless role as a political and social tool, and to think about what kind of educational experience we will need for the uncertain future facing young people today.n++?-á

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