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Spirit & Other Poems Paper & Ink

  • ISBN-13: 9781911475422
  • Publisher: MOMENTUM
    Imprint: MOMENTUM
  • By C. Amwar
  • Price: AUD $8.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 23/01/2020
  • Format: Paperback 64 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Poetry [DC]
Stylistically innovative, Anwar's use of everyday Indonesian helped make that language more dynamic as it evolved in the postwar years. Thematically, his poetry is intense, personal and emotional, given to hope, fury or anguish, sober reflection or wild fervour, playfulness or defiance. The poems resist easy interpretation, but are direct, uncomplicated and expressive of their author's fierce individualism. In just a few pages, Anwar can provoke, dismay, seduce and energize; it's not difficult to understand why he is still considered not only one of Indonesia's greatest poets, but something of a national hero as well - and a major influence down to the present generation of writers in the archipelago.
CHAIRIL ANWAR (1922-49) was a leading light of Indonesia's famed "Generation of '45", a group of writers who came of age at the time of the Indonesian revolution. He began to gain recognition as a poet in 1942, but almost all of his later work remained unpublished until after his early death in 1949 from causes unknown. In his memory, the date of his death - 28 April - is now celebrated as "National Literature Day" in Indonesia.
"In his ideals, in his movements and in his actions themselves, he stabbed, cut and smashed old notions." --Professor H.B. Jassin, aka The Pope of Indonesian Literature
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