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The Archetypal Human-Animal

Rudolf Steiner's Watercolour Painting - A New Approach to Evolution
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Rudolf Steiner’s watercolour pain4ng ‘The Archetypal Human- Animal’ presents us with the enigma4c image of a strange creature apparently swimming in water. It has a human profile, showing a clearly outlined nose and slightly-opened mouth, with a mysterious eye, almost concealed in its greenish hair. It has appendages similar to hands and feet, and dark-blue plantlike forms float about in the water beneath the creature’s bright red and yellow body. Only the 4tle provides us with a clue to its meaning: it is an ‘archetypal human-animal’ form. But even this is enigma4c. What is this strange, unusual creature – this archetypal human-animal? We are presented with a perplexing image and a puzzling descrip4on. In this original work, illustrated throughout with full-colour pain4ngs and images – many by the author herself – Angela Lord takes us on a journey of discovery to realizing the meaning of Rudolf Steiner’s pain4ng. From Goethe’s theory of metamorphosis in nature, we are introduced to Steiner’s ideas of human evolu4on, from the primal beginnings of the archetypal human-animal on ‘Ancient Moon’. Lord recounts myths and legends from many cultures that tell of humananimal forms, and reflects on the meaning of the fish in Chris4anity. She takes us through a series of ‘colour sequences’ for repain4ng Steiner’s human-animal mo4f, and includes appendices that summarize evolu4onary phases of the earth and humanity from a spiritual-scien4fic perspec4ve. The Archetypal Human-Animal is both a valuable workbook for painters and a fascina4ng insight into hidden aspects of human evolu4on.
ANGELA LORD is a painter, interior colour designer, muralist and art educator. Born in Christchurch, New Zealand, she studied with Gerard Wagner at the Goetheanum Pain4ng School in Dornach, Switzerland. She teaches pain4ng and offers a diploma recognized by the Art Sec4on at the Goetheanum. Her publica4ons include The Archetypal Plant, Rudolf Steiner’s Watercolour Pain=ng; New Life – Mother and Child, The Mystery of the Goddess and the Divine Mother; Art, Aesthe=cs and Colour, Aristotle – Thomas Aquinas – Rudolf Steiner; Colour Dynamics; Easter, Rudolf Steiner’s Watercolour Pain=ng and two books on Crea4ve Form Drawing.
Prologue - PART ONE - Chapter One Goethe's Archetypal Animal - Chapter Two Goethe's Metamorphosis of Animals - PART TWO - Chapter One An Evolutionary Background - Chapter Two The Human Being on Ancient Moon: the primal beginnings of Archetypal Human-Animal - PART THREE - Chapter One The Human Being: Handiwork of the Gods - Chapter Two From Fire-Air to Air - PART FOUR - Chapter One The Animals: From the Cosmos Down to Earth - Chapter Two The Origin of the Animals - Chapter Three The Human-Animal Plant becomes Human - PART FIVE - Chapter One Myths and Legends: Monsters and Mermaids - Chapter Two A Cabinet of Curiosities - Chapter Three The Sphinx - PART SIX - Chapter One The Symbol of the Fish in Christianity - Chapter Two The Zodiac - Chapter Three The Evangelists - PART SEVEN - Chapter One The Colours of the Motif - Chapter Two An Approach to the Language of Colour - Appendix One Summary of Evolutionary Phases - Appendix Two Time Charts - List of Illustrations - References and Suggested Reading - Bibliography
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