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Keeping up with Findus

Sven Nordqvist is a leading Swedish children's illustrator and writer. Nordqvist was born in Helsingborg and grew up in Halmstad, Sweden. He originally wanted to be an illustrator but was rejected by several art schools. Instead, he studied architecture in Lund and worked as a lecturer in architecture in the university. Meanwhile, he looked for work as an illustrator of advertisements, posters, and picture books. In 1983, he won first prize in a children's book competition and since then has worked exclusively as an author and illustrator of children's books, which have won awards in Sweden and Germany. The Findus and Pettson stories draw on his own playful adventures with his two young sons. Nordqvist's unique illustrations are inspired by his delight in everyday life. 

Yes, it can be hard keeping up with Findus. He's a hyper-active cat who never stops. But Hawthorn Press are doing well with their publishing of Sven Nordqvist's Findus and Pettson in translation by Nathan Large. This latest book is original 2019 vintage and just as enjoyable as the previous ones have been.

You have to feel a little sorry for Pettson. He's old(-ish) and wants a quiet life, but with a cat like Findus, what can you do?

Well, you can refuse to 'hop on both feet and bounce all the way to the house.' But after that he gives in and gamely attempts Findus's challenges. You can guess who wins, can't you?

This is another sweet story, and the apple tree-climbing took me straight back to my childhood summer paradise. The nostalgia almost made me cry. And I must point out that my paradise had no apple tree in it. That's how strong the Pettson and Findus magic is.

I hope children will never grow too old or too cool for this kind of book. 'Bookwitch Blog (Nov. 6, 2019)


“If you haven't yet discovered the Findus and Pettson Series from Hawthorn Press, I envy you that great feeling of thrill and excitement when you open a new book and realise that this is something very special.a 'Galina Varese

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