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The Complete Beginners Guide to Crochet

Everything you need to know to start to crochet
  • ISBN-13: 9781912918010
  • Publisher: SONA BOOKS
    Imprint: SONA BOOKS
  • By Sian Brown, Edited by Rachel Madden
  • Price: AUD $49.99
  • Stock: 5 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 09/07/2019
  • Format: Hardback (270.00mm X 210.00mm) 160 pages Weight: 940g
  • Categories: Knitting & crochet [WFBS]
Crochet as a hobby has boomed in recent years, with the art being passed down to younger generations. Fashionable and thrifty, making your own garments, gifts and decorations has become a really popular pastime. The Complete Beginners Guide will show you all the essential stitches and techniques you'll need to get started, from your very first foundation chain to adding embellishments like fringe and edging. * Grasp the basic techniques and knowledge needed to start. * Master basic stitches. Turn to the starter projects section for easy-to-follow patterns from experienced crocheters. Once you've mastered those techniques, it's time to put them into practice. * Learn to join new yarns, create magic rings and crochet in the round * Add embellishments to your projects using more advanced crochet stitches * Create your first projects, from fashion accessories to fun amigurumi figures. Follow our simple steps and you'll soon be creating beautiful items worthy of the high street. Happy crocheting!
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