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9781913494650 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Diary of a Fallen Psychoanalyst

The Work Books of Masud Khan 1967-1972
  • ISBN-13: 9781913494650
  • Publisher: KARNAC
    Imprint: KARNAC
  • By Dr. Linda Hopkins, Edited by Dr. Steven Kuchuck
  • Price: AUD $105.00
  • Stock: 10 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 18/01/2023
  • Format: Paperback (234.00mm X 156.00mm) 384 pages Weight: 750g
  • Categories: Psychotherapy [MMJT]
"Psychoanalysts have long been aware of the fact that extraordinary intelligence and alarming corruption can co-exist in the same individual. However, the case of Masud Khan is truly extraordinary. He combined erudition and charm with thoroughgoing contempt. The psychoanalytic profession owes a deep debt of gratitude to Steven Kuchuck and Linda Hopkins, who systematically collected Khan's papers so that we can study them for ourselves." Glen O. Gabbard, MD, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Baylor College of Medicine. "These beautifully edited Work Books offer a rare glimpse into the mind of a complicated psychoanalyst. We have much to learn from Khan about how to be a human being and, moreover, how not to be." Professor Estela V. Welldon, Emeritus Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. Masud Khan (1924-1989), was an eminent and, ultimately, scandalous British psychoanalyst who trained and practised in London during an important period in the development of psychoanalysis. From August 1967 to March 1980, he wrote his 39 volume Work Books, a diary containing observations and reflections on his own life, the world of psychoanalysis, his evolving theoretical formulations, Western culture, and the turbulent social and political developments of the time. In this first volume, readers will find fascinating entries on Khan's colleague and mentor Donald Winnicott and other well-known analysts of the period, including Anna Freud. Also featuring in these pages are leaders in the world of culture and the arts such as Julie Andrews, the Redgraves and Henri Cartier-Bresson.
Linda Hopkins, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst. She works in private practice in Washington DC and is member teaching faculty at IIPT and IPI (International Psychotherapy Institute). She is author of False Self: The Life of Masud Khan (Other Press, 2006 and Karnac, 2008). Dr. Steven Kuchuck, DSW, is a faculty member of NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, NIP. He lectures on the clinical impact of the therapist's subjectivity and his most recent book is The Relational Revolution in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (Confer Books, 2020). He is also the Former Editor-in-Chief of Psychoanalytic Perspectives and Past President of IARPP.
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