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9781913622671 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Shimamura's MARGE Model of Learning in Action

  • ISBN-13: 9781913622671
  • By Nimish Lad
  • Price: AUD $26.99
  • Stock: 34 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 14/12/2021
  • Format: Paperback (210.00mm X 148.00mm) 100 pages Weight: 300g
  • Categories: Educational psychology [JNC]
Shimamura's MARGE model, described as a 'Whole-Brain Learning Approach for Students and Teachers', builds links between the areas of neuroscience, cognitive science and the practice of classroom teachers. Through discussing key ideas within the learning process - Motivate, Attend, Relate, Generate and Evaluate - Shimamura's MARGE is a valuable lens through which we can discuss learning. This book aims to bring the MARGE model to life through the use of case studies written by practising teachers, and examples taken from classrooms across a range of phases. Through taking each of the principles of MARGE in turn, this practical guide helps all teachers better understand how they can develop their practice and improve the impact they have with the students they teach.
Nimish Lad is Curriculum and Research Lead at the Creative Education Trust, and Vice Principal at Wrenn School in Wellingborough. As a teacher of science, he has always been drawn to evidence-informed practice and contextualising research to use within the classroom. Over the past few years Nimish has enjoyed working on using technology to aid teaching, developing practices around action research across schools, and collaborative curriculum development; he has presented on these topics n numerous occasions at educational events. Outside of teaching, Nimish is a huge fan of both cricket and football and is an avid reader of comic books. You can find Nimish on twitter at @nlad84
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