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The Complete Beginner's Guide to Crystals

Discover the ancient secrets of Mother Nature's most alluring minerals
Crystals have been enchanting the lives of millions of people for thousands of years. These stunning rocks are one of nature’s most prized possessions, and we go above and beyond to unearth them. Whether you are enticed by their mysticism and interested in the metaphysical properties of the stones or simply enjoy the beauty they provide, The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Crystals is a comprehensive guide to the history, science and myths surrounding gemstones. Learn how to identify them, which shapes best suit your intended uses and how our ancestors harnessed their ancient wisdom in order to enrich their everyday lives. Plus, put your new found knowledge into practise by following our step-bysteps to enrich your own life – from healing and self care rituals to gridding and spellwork.
* Worldwide, retail sales of crystals amounted to more than US$1 billion per year in 2022. * Many people believe that Crystals have healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul. * Many ancient cultures — including ones in Egypt, Greece, and China — believed that crystals have healing properties. * Many claim that crystals promote the flow of good energy and help rid your body and mind of negative energy for physical and emotional benefits. They believe certain crystals benefit your sleep, help you manifest your desires, and add an additional healing element to reiki.

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