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Yin Zhaoyang

Landscape into Shanhe
The book shows Yin Zhaoyang's 12-year retrospective on the series 'Mount Song'. Yin Zhaoyang is a celebrated contemporary Chinese artist who gained fame in the 1990s for his figurative paintings that depicted people's psychological struggles during social changes in China. In 2008, he embarked on a new landscape project, with Mount Song as the subject matter. Although landscape art, or Shanshui, has a long history in Chinese art, Yin brought a new spirituality to it that went beyond traditional literati art. His 'Mount Song' series is a new topic called Shanhe, where geography and topology are intertwined with contemporary temperament. This echoes Yin's portraits, which visualise the agitation in nature and culture.
Yin Zhaoyang is a well-celebrated contemporary Chinese artist, whose art have been collected by prestigious institutions such as M+ HK, The Long Museum and CAFA Art Museum. Dr Joshua Gong is a leading expert on contemporary Chinese art. He was a recipient of the Young Scholar Grant, Tate Modern, 2015.
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