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Sunday Night Blues

Emma doesn’t like Sunday nights. The thought of school the next morning and having to catch the bus causes her grief. It turns out, her friends aren’t fans of Sunday night either. They have all manner of excuses why they should be allowed to stay at home on Monday.
Author: Elisabeth became very interested in children’s books when she dabbled in children’s literature for her Masters degree. Now she lives in Grafton on the North with her daughter and is a primary school teacher. Like the teacher in her book, she eats a bit too much chocolate on Sunday nights. Illustrator: Olivia recently completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the National Art School. Her style is influenced by the impressionist movement as well as illustrators Beatrix Potter, A.A. Milne and Ludwig Bemelmans. She is a perpetual daydreamer with a nostalgic love for the past. Growing up, she had a wonderful Cabbage Patch Doll, Henrietta, that became more friend than toy, and she believes in the magic of bringing all story tale characters to life in the same way, for all the children who read them.
* A creative tale about the anxiety that Sunday nights and school on Monday can bring. * Inspired by the real life experiences of children and teachers alike who love the weekend. * Key themes include going to school, friendship and the way everyone feels when the weekend comes to an end. * Soft watercolour illustrations by Olivia Godbee.

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