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Is This The End of Agility?

Who Wants To Be Fast and Adaptive Anyway
  • ISBN-13: 9781922764720
  • Publisher: PUBLISH CENTRAL
  • By Susan Abishara
  • Price: AUD $37.95
  • Stock: 95 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 19/04/2023
  • Format: Paperback (234.00mm X 153.00mm) 248 pages Weight: 324g
  • Categories: Business innovation [KJD]


With 63% of organisations currently transitioning to agile, the desire for organisational agility and speed to market is real. And the digital age has accelerated change massively. It is predicted that over 50% of existing companies will be replaced within the next 10 years.

Despite providing huge benefits for many organisations over the years, agile is now as divisive a topic as religion and politics. Bringing it up in conversation will immediately divide the room. Who would have thought a term coined over 20 years ago by a bunch of developers would have such an impact?

Agile is evidence-based, which means both negative and positive findings need to be incorporated for success.

In this book, the question ‘Is this the end of agility?’ is explored in five parts:

1.      Is this the END of agility? What went wrong?

2.      WHO has achieved mastery and what do they do differently?

3.      WHAT is agility and how can you avoid the most common pitfalls?

4.      Putting the WHY into your agility journey.

5.      HOW to custom design your organisational agility journey. In this thought-provoking book,

Susan Abishara will help you finally understand agile and how it can help your organisation. The impact this will have on your business will be extraordinary.

Irish by birth and nature, and a long-time dweller in Melbourne, Susan Abishara has over 30 years’ experience wrangling organisational chaos and complexity, transforming businesses with passion, at pace, into high-performing, digitally enabled money-making machines.

Susan’s experience is garnered through major organisations including Citibank, Credit Suisse, SEEK, ANZ Bank, Westpac, Australia Post, Suncorp, Ausnet and HTC.

She is widely sought after not only for her expertise but for her clear headed, #noBS approach. She understands that each organisation has its own unique DNA requiring a fit-for-purpose operating model to deliver and optimise results. Her approach is people-centric with a focus on cultural change and behaviours that create high-performance teams.

Susan tackles the ‘sacred cow’ debate head on with ‘Is This The End of Agility?’

*Agility is a lucrative market for people working in the industry. Senior executives are frequently given the happy path picture that if you ‘install agility’ all paths lead to success. ‘Is this the end of agility’ tackles this problem head on with searing honesty and candour charting a path forward to sidestep the most common mistakes. *Written in a humorous fashion, this book is engaging and insightful, comparing an organisation’s journey of health, performance and agility to that of a person. It highlights what organisational muscle groups are essential for high performance and how to use targeted fitness workouts based on evidence to make each part of the muscle group fitter and stronger. *As a woman in technology herself, Susan is donating 100% of all profits will go to charities supporting women in technology. Championing female representation in make dominated technology industries, taking on a role on gender diversity at all levels, determined to be a positive catalyst in market. *Conferences: In 2023, every 3 months, Susan will be a keynote speaker in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and England. *Corporate Key notes: 100 CEOs in Australia will have the opportunity to have a free, 60 min keynote at their organisation and we will us the opportunity to raise funds for women in tech charities. *Book Launch Party: Melbourne book launch for 200 people in CBD end of March. Book signing. Auction for the first copy edition of the book for charity. *Promotion on Website: *Weekly newsletter launch. *Microlearning videos, checklists, how to guides *Social Media: Pre-launch Daily - February/March - Activity/Give Aways: Weekly Competition 2 min video rapid fire questions on ‘Is this the end of agility?’ and give away to charity. *Post Launch – April/May/June: Podcast guest monthly

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