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Woodslane Online Catalogues

Cruise the Chameleon's Magical Week


Cruise the Chameleon has won a special prize — a week’s worth of wishes come true! But when all of Cruise’s wishes are about changing who he is, will he really be happy with the results?

Cruise the Chameleon’s Magical Week is Nick Robinson’s first book. Nick spent many years travelling the world and based this book on his experiences through his youth and hardships with life, looking for inner peace and finding love for himself. He is hoping young ears will understand how amazing they are, and that this book will help them to build their own self-confidence.
Jake is an artist living in the colourful and creative hub of Brighton, Uk. After meeting Nick on several occasions, Jake was fascinated by the idea of the book and really enjoyed getting into the mind of Nick and having the opportunity to illustrate his story on paper. It also allowed for Jake to take on a new challenge of exploring the digital realm of art, which has now evolved and progressed to many more art work being created. He really enjoyed being a part of this project and looks forward to future projects with Nick.

* A book about self-discovery.
* A book about being yourself.
* Reinforcing days of the week for younger readers.

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