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You Always Have a Choice

How to embrace change, build unwavering reilience and lead a life you love
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re in the right place. Many of us reach crossroads where we must choose between the familiar and the bold pursuit of a more fulfilling life. You Always Have a Choice offers a powerful message for anyone feeling overwhelmed by the relentless pace of life, addressing the common struggle of feeling like you are just going through the motions, stuck in a life that doesn't align with your desires and dreams. In this book, author Julie Hyde shares a deep personal connection with this struggle, having faced similar moments numerous times in her life including facing a life threatening diagnosis. The book's aim is to act as your supportive friend, offering guidance and encouragement, akin to a coffee or wine meet-up with a trusted confidant. It provides a space to breathe, calm your mind, and reassure you that you're not alone in your struggles, and highlights the power of choice in shaping our responses to life's challenges. This book will show you * the importance of a growth mindset and how to have resilience in the face of adversity * how to master the art of choice, by learning to make empowered decisions that align with your dreams and who you are * nine powerful strategies that have transformed lives, backed by real-world examples * two game-changing business models that emphasize the power of choice. The core message is clear: you always have a choice, and it's within your power to lead a life you love, free from overwhelm and unnecessary expectations. Intriguing and accessible, this book is your guide to embracing change, build resilience, and choosing happiness. So dive in and embark on a transformative journey to lead a life you love.
Mistakes and a life-threatening diagnosis taught Julie Hyde the key to overcoming overwhelm: you have the choice to lead what you love and love what you live every day. Life is too short not too. Julie led teams for a national corporate for decades before launching her own business as a leadership coach, keynote speaker and host of the influential podcast “Leading You” in 2018. She has transformed large businesses from toxic to the top of their game. The best of these generated over $20m in profit. She’s worked with leaders to drive team sales by over 200% and triple the size of businesses. Julie’s resurrected lagging leaders considered the ‘bottom third’ to be star performers and game-changing role models. With a mission to empower, Julie has mentored thousands of leaders with her game-changing strategies. Julie has a big love of animals, 80s glam rock and good food and wine. She lives in Melbourne with her wonderful husband.
* This book is not just another addition to the crowded self-help genre; it's a rare gem that seamlessly weaves together personal vulnerability and business strategy. Julie doesn't just offer generic advice – she shares her own powerful, heart-rending journey and connects it to profound insights on leadership and life fulfilment. * You Always Have a Choice isn't just a product of Julie's life experience; it's a culmination of her extensive coaching and mentoring work with thousands of leaders. * Julie's message is simple yet profound: no matter the challenges life throws at you, you hold the power of choice in your response. Leadership, as she underscores, begins with a personal commitment to choosing your path. In every chapter, she provides practical exercises that allow you to take immediate, tangible steps towards transformation. * But what truly sets this book apart is the authenticity and investment behind it. Julie's journey isn't just a polished narrative; it's a genuine testament to resilience and self-discovery. Unlike many books You Always Have a Choice has been meticulously crafted with the guidance of experts at every stage. It's a labour of love that has resulted in an outstanding work that offers a genuinely unique perspective. * It is a companion for your personal and professional journey and a practical guide to embracing change, discovering your inner leader, and making choices that lead to genuine happiness. Publicity: * Social media campaign to approximately 10,000 followers, along with direct marketing to the author's own substantial database of 2,000. * Extensive media campaign after a pre-launch warm-up campaign with events in Melbourne and potentially Sydney. * Building on the success of her previous book, 'Busy?', the author will build on the masterclass and keynote speaking engagements she undertook with the first book. 'Busy?' was well-received, and its relevance continues to resonate. * The author has a podcast: “Leading You” podcast and will also be actively seeking opportunities to feature on other relevant podcasts. * Then author will be writing articles targeted at forums like SmartCompany, CEO Magazine, Body & Soul, and others.
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