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The Bipolar Runner

A Memoir

Jacqui Swallow has lived with bipolar disorder all her life, battling crippling anxiety, debilitating depression, and destructive, whirlwind manic episodes. The only thing that has consistently helped her, more than medication, practicing gratitude, or mindfulness, is running. What began as a few small steps through tears and inertia culminated in Jacqui completing the Melbourne Marathon in 2023. At her pace, this accomplishment meant roughly six hours of continuous running. This is the story of her journey—one of pushing and challenging herself, defying expectations, and achieving something truly exceptional.

Jacqui Louise Swallow is a dedicated mum and teachers aide who has lived with bipolar disorder since her teenage years and more recently has also been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and generalised anxiety disorder. Now in her 40s, she has found running to be the most effective way to manage her symptoms. In 2023, she took on the challenge of the Melbourne Marathon, embracing the 6+ hour endurance run at her own pace.

* Very few books on the relationship between mental health and running written by the protagonist.
* Jacqui Swallow is a teachers aide, a mum, a wife, who has lived with biopolar disorder for more than 20 years (and more latterly general anxiety and borderline personality disorder). 
* This is her personal story of how she learned to cope with her diagnoses through taking up running and the challenge of completing a marathon. 
* Jacqui is happy to share her story which is honest, positive and uplifting.

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