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9781932603620 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Faces Of Osteoporosis

  • ISBN-13: 9781932603620
    Imprint: DEMOS HEALTH
  • By Amelia Davis
  • Price: AUD $33.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 19/08/2010
  • Format: Paperback (279.00mm X 216.00mm) 57 pages Weight: 320g
  • Categories: Popular medicine & health [VFD]
Table of
Faces of Osteoporosis was a silver-medal winner at the 16th Annual National Mature Media Awards. This important book documents the stories of people who are living with Osteoporosis and helps you understand the silent and devastating impact of the disease. ""I hope that you will learn from these brave individuals who share their stories with you. We must educate and empower people through knowledge. Together, I hope we can eliminate osteoporosis as a major health problem."" - From the Foreword by Dianne Feinstein, United States Senator Renowned photographer Amelia Davis turns her lens on those living with Osteoporotic disease in her fascinating new book, Faces of Osteoporosis. With this beautifully illustrated work, Ms. Davis communicates the message that Osteoporosis affects both women and men across the life span, is both preventable and treatable and should not be considered part of normal ageing. In the United States alone there are almost 35 million people living with the disease and that number continues to grow. Here are the inspirational stories of women, men, and even children who live with Osteoporosis. Treatments, therapies and diets are discussed and shared, from the latest advances in prescription medication to the healing power of exercise. The book's beautiful photographs and candid personal stories will have a positive affect on the way people view individuals with Osteoporosis, and serve as a touchstone for those living with this condition. It smashes the stereotype of Osteoporosis as a disease of older women, showing that the disease has myriad faces, not just one.
1-4 Amy 5-7 Marina and Boris 8-11 Lena 12-13 Renea 14-15 Eric 16-17 Howard 18-21 Edith 22-23 Tonya 24-25 Ruthie 26-27 Joe 28-29 Yolanda 30-31 Kristi 32-33 Carlos E. Torres 34 Santiago 35 Maria 36 Belinda 37 Rosario 38 Giuadalupe 39 Juan 40-41 Randi 42-43 Shirley 44-45 Perry ann 46-47 Sharon 48-49 Margaret 50-51 Nancy 52-54 Sarah 55-57 Andrew
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