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Look Up to See What the Weather Will Be English and Spanish Paperback Du

This book duo contains Look Up to See What the Weather Will Be and Mira hacia el cielo y ver?s c?mo el tiempo estar?. Go behind the scenes of weather forecasting with TV meteorologist Guy Brown! Guy shares his weather journal to show you exactly what weather forecasting is like, from reading satellite images at the studio to going on location in hazardous weather conditions. Since weather affects all living things, humans and animals alike need to predict and respond to blinding fog, crackling thunderstorms, and whirling tornadoes. So bring your rain boots, pack some sunscreen, and get ready for a weather adventure! By the end, you'll be ready to become a meteorologist just like Guy. Este d?o de libros contiene Mira hacia el cielo y ver?s c?mo el tiempo estar? y Look Up to See What the Weather Will Be. Ve detr?s de las escenas de las pron?sticas de clima con el meteor?logo de televisi?n Guy Brown. Guy comparte su diario meteorol?gico para mostrarte exactamente como es el pron?stico del clima - desde leyendo im?genes de sat?lite en el estudio, hasta ir a lugares en clima adverso. Dado que el clima afecta a todos los seres vivos, es importante tanto para los humanos como para los animales a prever y responder a cosas como la niebla cegadora, las tormentas el?ctricas crepitantes y los tornados arremolinados. As? que traiga sus botas de lluvia, lleve protector solar y prep?rese para una aventura meteorol?gica. Al final, estar? listo para convertirse en un meteor?logo como Guy.
Author and TV meteorologist Guy Brown can be seen forecasting the weather on-air today in the Big Apple, New York City. Previously, he spent several years as a weather anchor in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area of Minnesota. He enjoys volunteering at local elementary schools, where he shares his passion for meteorology with children. How Cats Say I Love You is his second children's book, inspired by his beloved pet cat, Rosalie. He also dabbles in acrylic painting, and is an active member of the National Weather Association and the National Association of Black Journalists. Mario Lugo resides in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He was born in San German, Puerto Rico. Fluent in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, he loves to express himself through art. He has taken painting, drawing and computer science classes, but is largely self-taught. With his twin brother, Manuel, they relocated to Sao Paulo in 2019, where Mario established himself as an illustrator and tattoo artist. Look Up to See What the Weather Will Be is his first book.
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