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Cornerstone of Liberty

Property Rights in 21st Century America
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Published shortly after the Supreme Court's decision in Kelo v. New London case, The Cornerstone of Liberty: Property Rights in 21st Century America made a powerful contribution to the firestorm of interest in protecting property rights. Now in its second edition, The Cornerstone of Liberty looks at the post-Kelo reform measures and the legislation that has shifted the landscape of private property rights, often dramatically, both for good and for bad. Through a combination of real-life stories and solid legal analysis, this book shows why the right to ownership is one of the most essential of human rights, how that right is protected in the U.S. Constitution, and critically examines how courts and legislatures have reacted in the wake of Kelo. This second edition includes new court cases and legislation, including Arizona's Proposition 207, the most successful of the post-Kelo property rights reforms.
Timothy Sandefur is an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute and a Principal Attorney at the Pacific Legal Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to defending property rights and economic liberty nationwide. He is also the author of The Right to Earn A Living: Economic Freedom And The Law (2010) and The Conscience of The Constitution (2014). Christina Sandefur is a senior attorney at the Goldwater Institute, where she litigates cases advancing economic liberty, private property, free speech, and taxpayer rights. She is a graduate of Hillsdale College and the Michigan State University College of Law, where she served as notes editor on the Michigan State Law Review.
*Introduction*Why Property Rights are Important*The Place of Property Rights in the American Constitution*The State of Property Rights Today*Paths to Reform
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