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Martyrdom, Sacrificial Libation, and the Eucharist of Ignatius of Antioc

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After showing that sacramental realism exists in neither Ignatius nor in John 6:51b-58, Fred Klawiter argues that Ignatius' eucharist contained a sacrificial wine libation (poured into a dish on the altar), symbolizing the pouring out of Jesus' blood in his sacrificial death. Then, by drinking from the libation cup in the eucharist/agape meal, Christians sought unity of agape with one another and the crucified, risen Jesus-while anticipating the possibility of martyrdom.
Fred Klawiter was formerly an ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a professor in the department of religion, philosophy, and classics at Augustana University (Sioux Falls, South Dakota).
Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Ignatius and the Issue of Sacramental Realism Chapter 3 John 6:53-The Scandal of a Crucified Messiah as Divine Wisdom, and Martyrdom as "Eating his Flesh and Drinking his Blood" Chapter 4 Martyrdom, Sacrificial Libation, and the Eucharist/Agape of Ignatius Chapter 5 John 19:34-The Death of Jesus as a Sacrificial Libation and "Living Water" Chapter 6 The Tomb of Polycarp: Sacrificial Libation and a Refrigerium Chapter 7 Conclusion Appendix: The Dating of Ignatius
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