Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication 2/e


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Edited by William B. Gudykunst, Bella M. Mody
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William B. Gudykunst (Ph.D., Minnesota, 1977) is Professor of Speech Communication at the College of Communications, California State University, Fullerton. Bill has written and edited numerous works for SAGE, including the Handbook of Intercultural and International Communication, 2/e, and Bridging Differences: Effective Intergroup Communication, 3/e as well as the best-selling introductory undergraduate texts Building Bridges: Interpersonal Skills for a Changing World (Houghton Mifflin) and Communicating with Strangers: An Approach to Intercultural Communication, 3/e (McGraw-Hill). He is extremely well known in the discipline and is one of its most prolific writers/scholars in the areas of intercultural communication and human communication theory. Bella Mody (Ph.D., Gujarat University; M.A., University of Pennsylvania; B.A. Ranchi University) served as chair of the International and Development Communication Division of ICA from 1999 to 2001 and is a consultant to international and nongovernmental organizations. Her research interests include international media, communication technology application in developing countries, and gender, ethnicity, and class.

The Histories of Intercultural, International, and Development Communication - Everett M Rogers and William B Hart PART ONE: CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION Cross-Cultural Communication - William B Gudykunst Introduction Cross-Cultural Communication Theories - William B Gudykunst and Carmen M Lee Cultural Communication - Gerry Philipsen Language and Verbal Communication across Cultures - Tae-Seop Lim Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures - Peter A Andersen et al Cultural Influences on the Expression and Perception of Emotion - David Matsumoto et al Cognition and Affect in Cross-Cultural Relations - Cookie White Stephan and Walter G Stephan Cross-Cultural Face Concerns and Conflict Styles - Stella Ting-Toomey and John G Oetzel Current Status and Future Directions Issues in Cross-Cultural Communication Research - William B Gudykunst PART TWO: INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Intercultural Communication - William B Gudykunst Introduction Intercultural Communication Theories - William B Gudykunst Intercultural Communication Competence - Richard L Wiseman Identity and Intergroup Communication - Jessica Abrams, Joan O'Connor and Howard Giles Communication in Intercultural Relationships - Ling Chen Adapting to an Unfamiliar Culture - Young Yun Kim An Interdisciplinary Overview Issues in Intercultural Communication Research - George A Barnett and Meihua Lee PART THREE: INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION International Communication - Bella Mody Introduction Theory and Research in International Communication - Stephen D McDowell A Historical and Institutional Account Media Corporations in the Age of Globalization - Edward Comor Global Communication Orders - Oliver Boyd-Barrett Media, War, Peace and Global Civil Society - Thomas L Jacobson and Won Yang Jang Transnational Advertising - K Viswanath and Liren Benjamin Zeng Differing Traditions of Research on International Media Influence - Bella Mody and Anselm Lee A Pandemonic Age - Sandra Braman The Future of International Communication Theory and Research PART FOUR: DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION Development Communication - Bella Mody Introduction Theories of Development Communication - Srinivas R Melkote State, Development and Communication - Silvio Waisbord Development Communication Campaigns - Leslie B Snyder Communication Technology and Development - J P Singh Instrumental, Institutional, Participatory and Strategic Approaches Participatory Approaches to Communication for Development - Robert Huesca Development Communication as Marketing, Collective Resistance and Spiritual Awakening - H Leslie Steeves A Feminist Critique International Development Communication - Karin Gwinn Wilkins Proposing a Research Agenda for a New Era

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