In addition to editing this book, Jack Edwards has published two survey books cited in the Recommended Readings section of this chapter. He is currently an Assistant Director in the Office of Applied Research and Methods at the U.S. General Accounting Office, Washington, DC. His prior positions include Chief of the Personnel Survey Branch at the Defense Manpower Data Center and tenured Associate Professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology. (The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. General Accounting Office.) I have been at Plymouth University since 2008, having previously been Professor of Sociology at Essex University since 1994. Before that, I was Professor and Head of Department at the University of Leicester and I have previously taught at the University of Strathclyde. Until 2005 I was an Adjunct Professor in the Sosiologisk Institutt at the University of Bergen. I am Editor of the European Societies, the journal of the European Sociological Association. I have been an active member of the British Sociological Association since 1970 and have been Newsletter editor, Secretary, Treasurer, Chairperson, and President. I am currently an Honorary Vice-President. I am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), a Fellow of the British Academy (FBA), and an academician of the Academy of Learned Society in the Social Sciences (AcSS). Dr. Raju, 68, of Burr Ridge, a psychometrician and professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology, died of a heart attack during a stress test Thursday, Oct. 27, in Rush University Medical Center. Nambury S. Raju was a brilliant man, family and friends said. With a slew of degrees, his name attached to hundreds of publications and a handful of honorary titles, Dr. Raju didn't stray far from the office or the halls of academia. He taught, he learned and he taught some more, his family said. He liked it that way. "He was a lifelong learner," said his wife, Marijke. "He was known for his work. That's what he wanted." Dr. Raju's field of study--psychometric research and test development--is complex, his family said. But to Dr. Raju, psychometrics--a combination of psychology, statistics and mathematics--was his specialty and trademark.
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Preface Part I: Framework for Human Resources Program Evaluation CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM EVALUATION - Dale S. Rose, E. Jane Davidson Program Evaluation in Human Resources Evaluation Myths Key Distinctions Who Does Program Evaluation? Choosing Criteria for Success Practical Design Considerations Costs and Benefits Utilization CHAPTER 2: JOB ANALYSIS-THE BASIS FOR DEVELOPING CRITERIA FOR ALL HUMAN RESOURCES PROGRAMS - Peter Y. Chen, Jeanne Carsten, Autumn D. Krauss Uses of a Proactive Job Analysis Program Assessing the Need for a Job Analysis Program and Preparing for It Conducting a Job Analysis Program CHAPTER 3: CRITERIA FOR HUMAN RESOURCES PROGRAM EVALUATION - Stephen David Steinhaus, L. A. Witt Common Approaches and Pitfalls Characteristics of Good Criteria Practical Steps in Criterion Development and Implementation Part II: Staffing CHAPTER 4: RECRUITMENT - Michael M. Harris, Elliot D. Lasson Understanding the Recruitment Process Recruitment Sources Understanding the Recruitment Process Recruitment Sources Evaluating the Recruitment Function CHAPTER 5: SETTING STANDARDS - Andrew J. Falcone, Nambury S. Raju Setting Standards for Program Evaluation Evaluation of the Standard-Setting Programs Standard-Setting Procedures CHAPTER 6: EVALUATING PERSONNEL SELECTION SYSTEMS - Scott B. Morris, Russell Lobsenz Program Evaluation Process Reliability Interpreting Reliability Validity Test Administration Practices Fairness, Bias, and Discrimination Bias Utility Analysis CHAPTER 7: SELECTING MANAGERS AND EXECUTIVES: THE CHALLENGE OF MEASURING SUCCESS - Rob Silzer, Seymour Adler Selection Context Evaluating Selection Design Evaluating Selection Administration Evaluating Selection Decisions Evaluating Selection Outcomes Part III: Evaluating and Rewarding Employees CHAPTER 8: PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND FEEDBACK PROGRAMS - Janet L. Barnes-Farrell, Angela M. Lynch Goals of Appraisal and Feedback Systems Functions of Performance Appraisal Evaluating Performance Appraisal Measurement Functions Evaluating the Communications Function of Performance Appraisal CHAPTER 9: THE EVALUATION OF 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK PROGRAMS - John C. Scott, Manuel London An Overview of 360-Degree Feedback Criteria for Evaluating 360-Degree Feedback Methods for Evaluating the Quality of the 360-Degree Program Evaluators of the Survey Program Evaluating the Quality and Long-term Effects of 360-Degree Feedback Longitudinal Study CHAPTER 10: COMPENSATION ANALYSIS - Mary D. Baker Who Should Be Involved in the Preparation of Compensation Analysis? Pay Elements Included in a Compensation Study Methods of Analyzing Compensation Complex Pay Equity Techniques-Multiple Regression Analysis Explanatory Factors Tainted Variables Part IV: Employee Effectiveness CHAPTER 11: CONDUCTING TRAINING EVALUATION - Miguel A. Quinones, Scott Tonidandel Overview of Training Evaluation A 5-Step Model of Training Evaluation CHAPTER 12: SUCCESSION MANAGEMENT - Michael M. Harris, Manuel London, William C. Byham, Marilyn Buckner What Is Succession Management? Methods for Evaluating Competencies Determining Appropriate Developmental Activities Role of the CEO Line Manager Involvement Identifying the Organizational Level to Be the Target of the Succession Management Process and the Current and Future Requirements Selection Decisions Evaluating Succession Management A Case Example CHAPTER 13: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO EVALUATING COACHING: TRANSLATING STATE-OF-THE-ART TECHNIQUES TO THE REAL WORLD - David B. Peterson, Kurt Kraiger Research on Coaching Challenges and Issues in Evaluating Coaching A Practical Guide to Evaluating Coaching Part V: Team and Organizational Effectiveness CHAPTER14: TEAM PERFORMANCE - Wendy S. Becker, John E. Mathieu Performance Evaluation as a General Process Measurement Framework for Understanding Team Performance Getting Started: How to Develop Team Performance Measures Sources of Measurement in Teams The Future of Team Performance Evaluation CHAPTER 15: THE EVALUATION OF JOB REDESIGN PROCESSES - Steven F. Cronshaw, Sidney A. Fine Five Principles of Job Redesign Evaluation Worker Criteria for the Evaluation of Job Redesign Programs Management Criteria for the Evaluation of Job Redesign Programs The Summative Evaluation of Job Redesign Bringing Together Worker and Management Criteria in Successful Job Redesign CHAPTER 16: ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT - Allan H. Church Overview of Organization Development A Process for Evaluating OD Interventions Case Examples CHAPTER 17: EVALUATING DIVERSITY PROGRAMS - Paul Rosenfeld, Dan Landis, David Dalsky Evaluating Diversity Programs: Barriers and Benefits Evaluating Diversity Programs: A 6-Step Plan Part VI: Organizational Communications CHAPTER 18: EVALUATING ORGANIZATIONAL SURVEY PROGRAMS - Jack E. Edwards, Bruce M. Fisher Methods for Gathering Evaluation Data Evaluators of the Survey Program Criteria for Judging Survey Program Quality CHAPTER 19: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO EVALUATING COMPUTER-ENABLED COMMUNICATIONS - J. Philip Craiger, Virginia Collins, Alex Nicoll Dimensions of Communication Technologies Evaluating Corporate Needs Strategies for Selecting Among a Set of Alternatives Prevalent Communication Technologies Computer-Enabled Communication: Impact and Policies CHAPTER 20: CUSTOMER SERVICE PROGRAMS - L. A. Witt, Paulette Henry, Margareta Emberger The Role of Human Resources in Customer Service Identifying Stakeholders (Who) Selecting the Evaluation Criteria (What) Linking HR Programs with Customer Service Outcomes (Why) Part VII: Health and Work/Life Balance CHAPTER 21: HEALTH AND SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAMS - Michael J. Burke, Jill Bradley, Harold N. Bowers A Systems Approach to Health and Safety Training Measures of Health and Safety Training Program Effectiveness Guidelines for Assessing On-the-Job Behavior (STEP-3) Associated with Health and Safety Training Issues Concerning the Transfer of Health and Safety Training CHAPTER 22: WORK/LIFE BALANCE POLICIES AND PROGRAMS - E. Jeffrey Hill, Sara P. Weiner Introduction: Why Evaluate Work/Life Policies and Programs? Historical Overview Evaluating Work/Life Policies and Programs CHAPTER 23: EVALUATION OF HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS - Jeffrey M. Stanton, Timothy V. Nolan, John R. Dale Brief Historical Overview of HRISs Primary Research Strategies for Evaluating an HRIS Assessors Who Can Conduct HRIS Evaluations Criteria for Judging HRIS Quality Integrating Criteria and Reporting Evaluation Results CHAPTER 24: GLOBAL HUMAN RESOURCE METRICS - Helen De Cieri, John Boudreau Talentship: A Decision Science for HR A Strategic Approach to the Measurement of Global HR A Model for Global HR Metrics CHAPTER 25: STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR HUMAN RESOURCES - Edward J. Kelleher, F. Stephen Cobe Key Strategic Planning Issues for HR The Strategic Planning-HR Interface HR Roles in the Strategic Management Process Evaluation of HR Strategy Glossary: Definitions of Technical and Statistical Terms Commonly Used in HR Program Evaluations - Chet Robie and Nambury S. Raju Index About the Editor About the Contributors