About the Editors Series Introduction - Sally M. Reis Introduction to Curriculum for the Gifted - Joyce VanTassel-Baska 1. Effective Curriculum and Instructional Models for Talented Students - Joyce VanTassel-Baska 2. Interview With Dr. A. Harry Passow - Robert J. Kirschenbaum 3. Developing Scope and Sequence in Curriculum - C. June Maker 4. Myth: There is a Single Curriculum for the Gifted - Sandra N. Kaplan 5. What Makes a Problem Real: Stalking the Illusive Meaning of Qualitative Differences in Gifted Education - Joseph S. Renzulli 6. A General Theory for the Development of Creative Productivity Through the Pursuit of Ideal Acts of Learning - Joseph S. Renzulli 7. The Interdisciplinary Concept Model: Theory and Practice - Heidi Hayes Jacobs, James H. Borland 8. Curriculum for the Gifted and Talented at the Secondary Level - A. Harry Passow 9. The Multiple Menu Model for Developing Differentiated Curriculum for the Gifted and Talented - Joseph S. Renzulli 10. A Mathematics Curriculum for the Gifted and Talented - Grayson H. Wheatley 11. A National Study of Science Curriculum Effectiveness With High Ability Students - Joyce VanTassel-Baska, George Bass, Roger Rics, Donna Poland, and Linda D. Avery Index