Telephone Survey Methods 2/e


Sampling, Selection, and Supervision

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By Paul J. Lavrakas
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Paul J. Lavrakas, PhD, is a Research Psychologist and Research Methodologist consultant. He served as Chief Research Methodologist for Nielsen Media Research from 2000-2007. Before joining Nielsen, he was a Full Professor at Northwestern University (1978-1996) and Ohio State University (1996-2000), as well as the founding faculty director of the survey centers at both universities. He is the author of Telephone Survey Methods: Sampling, Selection, and Supervision (2nd Edition, SAGE, 1993) and four other books covering election polling and the news media, as well as numerous other methodological and substantive publications and conference papers.

INTRODUCTION Total Survey Error Telephone Surveying in Perspective The Telephone Phenomenon in the United States Basic Steps in the Telephone Survey Process Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) Contents and Organization of This Text Additional Sources of Instruction on Survey Methodologies Exercises GENERATING TELEPHONE SURVEY SAMPLING POOLS Choosing a Valid Sampling Design Random Digit Dialing (RDD) Directory and List-Based Sampling Pools Mixed Mode Sampling Pools Sampling Pool Size Exercises PROCESSING TELEPHONE SURVEY SAMPLING POOLS Issues in Controlling the Sampling Pool Using the Call-Sheet to Control the Sampling Pool Refusal Report Form, Refusal Conversions, and Nonresponse Error Expectations in Processing Sampling Pools Sampling Pool Dispositions and Survey Response and Nonresponse Rates Sampling Pools in Mixed Mode Surveys Processing Sampling Pools with CATI Exercises SELECTING RESPONDENTS AND SECURING COOPERATION Starting Off on a Solid Footing Introducing the Survey Respondent Selection and Screening Techniques Advance Contract of Respondents Exercises SUPERVISION I STRUCTURING INTERVIEWERS' WORK Quality Control in Telephone Versus Personal Interviewing Recruitment and Hiring of Interviewers Training Sessions Presurvey Practice and On-the-Job Training Total Survey Error and the Interviewer Exercises SUPERVISION II STRUCTURING SUPERVISORY WORK Staffing and Scheduling Interviewing Sessions Interviewing Session Setup Supervising Interviewing Sessions in PAPI and CATI Surveys Verifying Completed Interviews Conclusion Exercises

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