PART ONE Women and Their Health - Nancy Fugate Woods Women as Health Care Providers - Carol Leppa Women's Bodies - Nancy Fugate Woods Young Women - Nancy Fugate Woods Midlife Women's Health - Catherine Ingram Fogel and Nancy Fugate Woods Old Women - Margaret Dimond PART TWO Women and Health Care - Debbie Ward Frameworks for Nursing Practice with Women - Nancy Fugate Woods Well-Woman Assessment - Linda Wheeler and Catherine Ingram Fogel Lesbian Health Care - Sharon Deevey PART THREE Health Protection and Health Promotion for Women - Ellen Mitchell Nutrition - Bonnie Worthington-Roberts Exercise - Cheryl A Cahill Fertility Control - Joellen Hawkins Mental Health - Anne Hopkins Fishel Women in the Workplace - Bonnie Rogers Choices in Childbearing - Betty Harris PART FOUR Violence against Women - Jacquelyn C Campbell and Karen Landenburger High-Risk Childbearing - Catherine Ingram Fogel and Lynne Porter Lewallen Unwanted Pregnancy - Dona Lethbridge Sexuality in Women's Lives - Linda Bernard Drug Abuse Problems among Women - Chris Vourakis Common Symptoms - Catherine Ingram Fogel Bleeding, Pain and Discharge Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Catherine Ingram Fogel Infertility - Catherine Garner Reproductive Surgery - Deitra Lowdermilk Chronic Illnesses and Women - Janet Primomo Problems of the Breast - Barbara Nettles-Carlson Reproductive Technology - Margarete Sandelowski