Media, Culture & Society


A Critical Reader

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Edited by Richard E. Collins, James Curran, Nicholas Garnham, Paddy Scannell, Philip Schlesinger, Colin Sparks
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Paddy Scannell worked for many years at the University of Westminster (London) where he and his colleagues established, in 1975, the first undergraduate degree program in Media Studies in the UK. He is a founding editor of Media, Culture and Society which began publication in 1979 and is now issued six times yearly. He is the author of A Social History of British Broadcasting, 1922-1939 which he wrote with David Cardiff, editor of Broadcast Talk and author of Radio, Television and Modern Life. He is currently working on a trilogy. The first volume, Media and Communication, was published in June 2007. Professor Scannell is now working on the second volume, Television and the Meaning of 'Live.' The third volume, Love and Communication, is in preparation. His research interests include broadcasting history and historiography, the analysis of talk, the phenomenology of communication and culture and communication in Africa. Philip Schlesinger was appointed to the University of Glasgow's new Chair in Cultural Policy and became Academic Director of CCPR in January 2007. He was previously Professor of Film & Media Studies at the University of Stirling and founding Director of Stirling Media Research Institute. He has been Professor of Sociology at the University of Greenwich, a Nuffield Social Science Research Fellow, a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute of Florence, and has held the Queen Victoria Eugenia Chair of Doctoral Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid. He was a longstanding Visiting Professor of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo. He has also been a Visiting Professor at the University of Lugano, and at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Toulouse, CELSA in Paris, LUISS University in Rome, the University of Salamanca, and a Visiting Scholar at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Paris. He is the author of Putting 'Reality' Together (2nd ed. 1987) and Media, State and Nation (1991) and is co-author of Televising 'Terrorism' (1983), Women Viewing Violence (1992), Reporting Crime (1994) Open Scotland? (2001) and Mediated Access (2003). Colin Sparks is a professor at the Centre for Communication and Information Studies at the Univeristy of Westminster and Co-Editor of Media, Culture and Society. Anna Reading is a lecturer at Southbank University and Assistant Editor of Media, Culture and Society.

Introduction PART ONE: APPROACHES TO CULTURAL THEORY Contribution to a Political Economy of Mass Communication - Nicholas Garnham Cultural Studies - Stuart Hall Two Paradigms Codes and Cultural Analysis - John Corner Women and the Cultural Industries - Michele Mattelart PART TWO: INTELLECTUALS AND CULTURAL PRODUCTION In Search of the Intellectuals - Philip Schlesinger Some Comments on Recent Theory Intellectuals, the 'Information Society' and the Disappearance of the Public Sphere - Philip Elliot Pierre Bourdieu and the Sociology of Culture - Nicholas Garnham and Raymond Williams An Introduction The Production of Belief - Pierre Bourdieu Contribution to an Economy of Symbolic Goods The Aristocracy of Culture - Pierre Bourdieu Cultural Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth-Century Boston - Paul Dimaggio The Creation of an Organizational Base for High Culture in America PART THREE: BRITISH BROADCASTING AND THE PUBLIC SPHERE Broadcasting and the Politics of Unemployment 1930-1935 - Paddy Scannell The Serious and the Popular - David Cardiff Aspects of the Evolution of Style in the Radio Talk 1928-1939 A Symbolic Mirror of Ourselves - David Chaney Civic Ritual in Mass Society `Terrorism' and the State - Philip Elliot, Graham Murdock and Philip Schlesinger A Case Study of the Discourses of Television Broadband Black Death Cuts Queues. The Information Society and the UK - Richard Collins The Impact of Advertising on the British Mass Media - James Curran

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