Dr. Rajiv Grover is the Head of the Marketing Department and holder of the Terry Chair of Marketing at the Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. The Department of Marketing houses the unique Master of Marketing Research program, and through the Department's Center of Marketing Studies it conducts several executive programs in Marketing Research. Dr. Grover has received several honors for his research and teaching efforts including the O'Dell award for the best paper in the Journal of Marketing Research and the Hugh O. Nourse Outstanding MBA Teacher Award. He received a Ph.D. degree in Marketing from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst; an MBA degree from Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta; and an Electronics Engineering BTech degree from IIT, Kharagpur. Dr. Marco Vriens is Group Research Manager at Microsoft Corp. Prior to joining Microsoft, he was the Chief Research Officer at Millward Brown IntelliQuest and Sr. Vice President at Research International. Prior to that, he was Professor of Marketing Research at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. He has co-authored seminal papers on market segmentation, conjoint analysis, and choice modeling. His current interests are in the areas of strategic market research and market research organizational issues. Dr. Vriens has published more than 50 papers in a wide variety of journals. He has received several Best Paper awards including the David K. Hardin memorial award. He is also author of Conjoint Analysis in Marketing (University of Groningen, 1995). He has been a consultant to many leading companies such as IBM, Intel, Dell, and Philips. He received his Masters in Psychology in 1987 from Leyden University and his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Groningen (1995).
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Introduction: The Changing World of Marketing Research - Rajiv Grover Acknowledgments PART I: Foundational Design 1. Trusted Adviser: How It Helps Lay the Foundations for Insights - Rajiv Grover and Marco Vriens 2. Structuring Market Research Departments and Processes for Optimal Impact - Marco Vriens and Rajiv Grover 3. What Do "Really Good" Managers and "Really Good" Researchers Want of One Another? - Lindsay Zaltman and Gerald Zaltman PART II: Data Collection 4. Deep Engagement With Consumer Experience: Listening and Learning With Qualitative Data - Eric J. Arnould and Amber Epp 5. Questionnaire Design and Scale Development - Naresh K. Malhotra 6. Response Biases in Marketing Research - Hans Baumgartner and Jan-Benedict E. M. Steenkamp 7. Online Marketing Research - Jeff Miller 8. Advanced Techniques and Technologies in Online Research - Scott M. Smith, Jared Smith, and Chad R. Allred 9. Sampling and Weighting - Dan Mallett 10. Dealing With Missing Data in Surveys and Databases - Marco Vriens and Sandip Sinharay PART III: Analysis and Modeling 11. Basic Data Analysis - Scott M. Smith and Gerald S. Albaum 12. Marketing Decision Support Models: The Marketing Engineering Approach - Gary L. Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy 13. Using Regression to Answer "What If" - Donald R. Lehmann 14. Advance Regression Models - Raghuram Iyengar and Sunil Gupta 15. Conjoint Analysis: Understanding Consumer Decision Making - David Bakken and Curtis L. Frazier 16. Construction of Efficient Designs for Discrete Choice Experiments - Warren F. Kuhfeld 17. Structural Equation Modeling - Victoria Savalei and Peter M. Bentler 18. Cluster Analysis and Factor Analysis - Subhash Sharma and Ajith Kumar 19. Latent Structure Regression - Wayne S. DeSarbo, Wagner A. Kamakura, and Michel Wedel 20. Hierachical Bayes Models - Greg M. Allenby and Peter E. Rossi 21. Hazard/Survival Models in Marketing - Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Xiaojing Dong 22. An Introduction to Data Mining - Christopher R. Stephens and R. Sukumar PART IV: Conceptual Applications 23. Ad Testing - Allan L. Baldinger and William A. Cook 24. Modeling Marketing Mix - Gerard J. Tellis 25. A Guide to the Design and Execution of Segmentation Studies - William R. Dillon and Soumen Mukherjee 26. Measuring Brand Equity - Kevin Lane Keller 27. Customer Satisfaction Research - Richard L. Oliver 28. Measuring Customer Equity and Calculating Marketing ROI - Roland T. Rust, Katherine N. Lemon, and Valarie A. Zeithaml 29. Customer Lifetime Value - V. Kumar 30. International Marketing Research - V. Kumar 31. Marketing Management Support Systems and Their Implications for Marketing Research - Gerrit H. Van Bruggen and Berend Wierenga Author Index Subject Index About the Editors About the Contributors
"This handbook comprehensively explores approaches for delivering market insights for fact-based decision-making in a market-oriented firm. Divided into four parts, it addresses: (1) the different nuances of delivering insights, (2) quantitative, qualitative, and online data gathering techniques, (3) basic and advanced data analysis methods, and (4) the substantial marketing issues that clients are interested in receiving through marketing research. It is a valuable resource for all studetns and instructors of marketing research." -- APADE "Grover and Vriens have blended the contributions of 48 well-qualified academics and professionals to produce a comprehensive, in-depth guide to modern market research. A unique feature of this work is its emphasis on the potential of market research as a generator of marketing insights, this positioning market research as a trusted adviser. This handbook can serve as an up-to-date reference for market research suppliers as well as a guide for users. Highly Recommended." -- W. C. Struning "In addition to discussing relevant content, the various contributors to the book are excellent communicators. Sentences are clear, paragraphs are coherent, and chapters fulfill the promise of their introductions, and readers will benefit from the diagrams, figures, and charts that are used to enhance the text. I enjoyed reading this book and recommend it highly. This book will be of particular interest to advanced students, academics, and practitioners. Although statistical background is necessary to comprehend the advanced analytical techniques, most readers are likely to benefit from the overviews provided in this well-written book." -Guldem Gokcek, JOURNAL OF MARKETING -- Guldem Gokcek * Journal of Marketing - July 2007, Volume 71, Number 3 *