Comparative Political Science


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Edited by Alan S. Zuckerman
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Alan S. Zuckerman is a Professor of Political Science at Brown University. His scholarship has focused on the analytical principles of comparative politics; the social context of political preferences, choice, and behavior; the individual and the state in established democracies; and the political structure of small groups. Professor Zuckerman is the author, coauthor, editor, and co-editor of several books. He has published numerous articles in the leading journals of political science, as well as monographs in the United States, Britain, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Israel on topics as diverse as the Holocaust, the political cohesion of households, political cleavages, the determinants of political preferences, voting in Israel, the comparative historical analysis of Jewish communities, party factions in Italy and Israel, and party identification.

VOLUME 1: RESEARCH SCHOOLS AND MODES OF EXPLANATION: RATIONAL CHOICE THEORY, CULTURAL ANALYSIS, STRUCTURAL THEORY, AND METHODS: QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE Introduction A Perspective on Comparative Politics, Past and Present - Alan S. Zuckerman Concept Misformation in Comparative Politics - Harry Eckstein Comparative Politics and the Comparative Method - Giovanni Sartori Case Study and Theory in Political Science - Arend Lijphart Conceptual 'Stretching' Revisited: Adapting Categories in Comparative Analysis - Harry Eckstein Human Nature in Politics: The Dialogue of Psychology with Political Science - David Collier and James Mahon A Culturalist Theory of Political Change - Herbert A. Simon Political Culture and Political Preferences - Harry Eckstein The Renaissance of Political Culture - David, D. Laitin Games Real Actors Could Play: The challenge of complexity - Ronald Inglehart Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms - Franz Scharpf Comparative Politics and Rational Choice: A review essay - Peter Hall and Rosemary C. R. Taylor Analytic Narratives - Robert H. Bates The Analytic Narrative Project - Jon Elster Returning to the Social Logic of Politics - Robert H., Bates, Avner Greif, Margaret Levi, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal & Barry R. Weingast VOLUME 2: MACRO-POLITICS: REGIME STRUCTURE AND CHANGE - Alan S. Zuckerman, Some Social Requisites of Democracy The State as a Conceptual Variable - Seymour Martin Lipset Transitions to Democracy: Toward a Dynamic Model - John Nettl Still the Century of Corporatism? - Dankwart Rustow The Return to the State - Philippe Schmitter The Political Consequences of Electoral Laws, 1945-85 - Gabriel Almond Political Regime Change: Structure and Process-Driven Explanations? - Arend Lijphart Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development - Herbert Kitschelt Constitutional Frameworks and Democratic Consolidation: Parliamentarianism and presidentialism - Mancur Olson Democratic Transitions in Comparative Perspective - Alfred Stepan and Cindy Skatch Social Requisites of Democracy Revisited - Gerardo Munck Decision Making in Political Systems: Veto players in presidentialism, parliamentarism, multicameralism, and multipartyism - Seymour Martin Lipset Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Politics - George Tsebelis Comparative Democratization: Big and bounded generalizations - Kathleen Thelen VOLUME 3: MACRO-POLITICS: POLITICS, ECONOMICS, AND SOCIETY - Valerie Bunce Political Cleavage: A Conceptual and Theoretical Analysis Political Parties and Macroeconomic Policy - Alan S Zuckerman The Expansion of the Public Economy: A comparative analysis - Douglas Hibbs Modernization and Dependency: Alternative perspectives in the study of Latin American underdevelopment - David Cameron The Structure of Class Conflict in Democratic Capitalist Societies - J. Samuel Valenzuela and Arturo Valenzuela Working-Class Formation: Constructing Cases and Comparisons - Adam Przeworski and Michael Wallerstein Union Organization in Advanced Industrial Democracies - Ira Katznelson Invested Interests: The politics of national economic policies in a world of global finance - Michael Wallerstein Government Partisanship, Labor Organization, and Macroeconomic Performance - Jeffrey Frieden Bringing Capital Back In, or Social Democracy Reconsidered - Michael Alvarez, Geoffrey Garrett, and Peter Lange The Dynamics of Trade Unionism and National Economic Performance - Peter Swenson Beyond Corporatism: Toward a new framework for the study of labor in advanced capitalism - Miriam Golden From Comparative Public Policy to Political Economy: Putting institutions in their place and taking interests seriously - Kathleen Thelen Labor Markets, Production Strategies and Wage-Bargaining Institutions - Jonas Pontusson The Sources of Business Interest in Social Insurance: Sectoral versus national differences - Jonas Pontusson and Peter Swenson Volume 4: Political Choice and Behavior: Voting, political participation, contentious, and revolutionary behavior - Isabela Mares Of Time and Partisan Stability Corruption, Machine Politics, and Political Change - Philip E. Converse Political Clientelism and Ethnicity in Tropical Africa - James C. Scott The Selfish Voter Paradox and the Thrown-Away Vote Argument - Rene Lemarchand The Two-Party System and Duverger's Law: An essay on the history of political science - Paul E. Meehl Testing the converse partisanship model with new electorates - William H. Riker The Political Bases of Citizen Contacting: A crossnational analysis - Richard G. Niemi, G. Bingham Powell Jr., Harold W. Stanley and C. Lawrence Evans American Voting Turnout in Comparative Perspective - Alan S. Zuckerman and Darrell West Political Institutions and Voter Turnout in the Industrial Democracies - G. Bingham Powell Jr. Rethinking Rationality and Rebellion: Theories of collective action and problems of collective dissent - Robert W. Jackman Political Leadership and Representation in West European Democracies: A test of three models of voting - Mark Irving Lichbach The 5% Percent Rule - Torben Iversen Explaining Interethnic Cooperation - Mark Irving Lichbach Politics and Society: Political diversity and uniformity in households as a theoretical puzzle - James Fearon and David Laitin Wanton and Senseless? The Logic of Massacres in Algeria - Alan S. Zuckerman and Laurence Kotler-Berkowitz Ethnic Conflict and Civil Society: India and beyond - Stathis Kalyvas Violence and the Social Construction of Ethnic Identity - Ashutosh Varshney Patterns of Disagreement in Democratic Politics: Comparing Germany, Japan, and the United States - James Fearon and David Laitin

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