Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber (PhD, University of Michigan) is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program at Boston College in Massachusetts. She has published widely on the impact of sociocultural factors on women's body image, including her book Am I Thin Enough Yet? The Cult of Thinness and the Commercialization of Identity, which was selected as one of Choice Magazine's best academic books for 1996. She has also written widely on methodological and methods issues, including the role of technology and emergent methods in social research. Dr. Hesse-Biber is co-editor of Emergent Methods in Social Research and the Handbook of Emergent Methods, as well as co-author of The Practice of Qualitative Research. She is also editor of the Handbook of Feminist Research: Theory and Praxis, which was selected as one of the Critics' Choice Award winners by the American Education Studies Association and was also chosen as one of Choice Magazine's Outstanding Academic titles for 2007. Dr. Hesse-Biber is co-developer of the software program HyperRESEARCH, a computer-assisted program for analyzing qualitative data, and the new transcription tool HyperTRANSCRIBE. For more information, see
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Chapter 1. Feminist Research: Exploring, Interrogating, and Transforming the Interconnections of Epistemology, Methodology, and Method - Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber Part 1. Feminist Perspectives on Knowledge Building Chapter 2. Feminist Empiricism - Catherine E. Hundleby Chapter 3. Feminist Standpoints - Sandra Harding Chapter 4. Postmodern, Post-Structural, and Critical Theories - Susanne Gannon and Bronwyn Davies Chapter 5. Truth and Truths in Feminist Knowledge Production - Mary Hawkesworth Chapter 6. Critical Perspectives on Feminist Epistemology - Noretta Koertge Chapter 7. Interconnections and Configurations: Toward a Global Feminist Ethnography - Kum-Kum Bhavnani and Molly Talcott Chapter 8. Intersectionality: A Transformative Paradigm in Feminist Theory and Social Justice - Bonnie Thornton Dill and Marla H. Kohlman Part 2. Feminist Research Praxis Chapter 9. The Synergistic Practice of Theory and Method - Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber and Deborah Piatelli Chapter 10. Feminist Ethnography: Histories, Challenges, and Possibilities - Wanda S. Pillow and Cris Mayo Chapter 11. Feminist Qualitative Interviewing: Experience, Talk, and Knowledge - Marjorie L. DeVault and Glenda Gross Chapter 12. Using Survey Research as a Quantitative Method for Feminist Social Change - Kathi N. Miner, Toby Epstein Jayaratne, Amanda Pesonen, and Lauren Zurbrugg Chapter 13. The Link Between Feminist Theory and Methods in Experimental Research - Sue V. Rosser Chapter 14. Feminist Evaluation Research - Sharon Brisolara and Denise Seigart Chapter 15. Feminist Approaches to Inquiry in the Natural Sciences: Practices for the Lab - Deboleena Roy Chapter 16. Participatory Action Research and Feminisms: Social Inequalities and Transformative Praxis - M. Brinton Lykes and Rachel M. Hershberg Chapter 17. Narratives and Numbers: Feminist Multiple Methods Research - Elizabeth R. Cole and Abigail J. Stewart Chapter 18. Feminism, Grounded Theory, and Situational Analysis Revisited - Adele E. Clarke Chapter 19. Feminist Perspectives on Social Movement Research - Sarah Maddison and Frances Shaw Chapter 20. Feminist Research and Activism to Promote Health Equity - Lynn Weber and Jennifer Castellow Chapter 21. Joining the Conversation: Social Work Contributions to Feminist Research - Stephanie Wahab, Ben Anderson-Nathe, and Christina Gringeri Chapter 22. Writing Feminist Research - Kathy Charmaz Chapter 23. Putting Feminist Research Principles Into Practice - Kristen Intemann Part 3. Feminist Issues and Insights in Practice and Pedagogy Chapter 24. Challenges and Strategies in Feminist Knowledge Building, Pedagogy, and Praxis - Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber and Abigail Brooks Chapter 25. Authority and Representation in Feminist Research - Judith Roof Chapter 26. The Feminism Question in Science: What Does It Mean to "Do Social Science as a Feminist"? - Alison Wylie Chapter 27. The Feminist Practice of Holistic Reflexivity - Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber and Deborah Piatelli Chapter 28. Feminist Research Ethics - Judith Preissle and Yuri Han Chapter 29. Transgender, Transsexualism and the Queering of Gender Identities: Debates for Feminist Research - Katherine Johnson Chapter 30. Future Directions in Difference Research: Recognizing and Responding to Difference in the Research Process - Diane Reay Chapter 31. Feminizing Global Research/Globalizing Feminist Research: Methods and Practice Under Globalization - Jennifer Bickham Mendez and Diane L. Wolf Chapter 32. From Course to Dis-course: Mainstreaming Feminist, Pedagogical, Methodological, and Theoretical Perspectives - Debra Renee Kaufman and Rachel Lewis Chapter 33. Feminist Pedagogy Reconsidered - Daphne Patai Chapter 34. Teaching, Techniques, and Technologies of Feminist Methodology: Online and on the Ground - Debjani Chakravarty, Judith A. Cook, and Mary Margaret Fonow
'The Handbook of Feminist Research: Theory and Praxis is a well-developed contribution to the body of feminist literature. It effectively highlights the connection between feminist research and social change by drawing upon the range of existent feminist epistemologies, methods, and practices, all of which adopt different means of conceptualising, researching, and ultimately representing the lived experiences of women, varied across the lines of race, class and/or other demographics. The text, while accessible for both research and teaching purposes, perhaps most importantly draws our attention to the need to be critically aware in the process of conducting feminist research. One must address the challenges, research developments, and, crucially, the diversity amongst women, that may be incurred in attempting to research, understand, and accurately represent the lived experiences of all women' -- Emma Smith